OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 15:18 on December 5, 2014  

I don’t know if it’s a race war so much but can’t argue people can think that way. Blacks do get a bad rap because of  other blacks. People tent to exaggerate and put things in categories and labeling. Think is more a war on injustice and since the majority of this injustice handed out is by whites but as we know gov whites idea of justice when their decisions are sociopathic like the cop who had plenty of time to release a choke hold he didn’t even need to do should have been indicted. I think many blacks are aware of that now and some even realizing it’s happening to everyone. But more so the blacks who I think target the poor as a test subject for the rest of society and why if they victimize one race and get away with it they victimize all. I know a nurse who’s son is Italian who was subject to brutality and when she interviewed the arrested her for obstruction justice which she’s proud of lol On the other hand I know a white guy who was railroaded over race bias by minority prosecutor Mexican and minority public defender and a corrupt judge using him to advance her career any playing minority preference at whites expense. So when whites are moving away from this discrimination some minorities as well as some whites who maybe have a guilty conscious or only concerned with themselves are capitalizing on it. The gov may be part of it but majority of white are not.  Blacks are the test subject. Yes there should be some responsibility to teach but are caught up in this massive hatred that the gov is creating do to one injustice after another so they start looking at it all as injustice and don’t trust.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.