OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Ororeef @ 8:50 on March 30, 2016  

A women said to Trump yesterday ,”Why cant you be more like your Sons ?.They are so WELL Spoken .moderate and not prone to harsh rhetoric.

She was very pleased with his children.They dont smoke ,dont do Drugs ,dont drink….Neither does he !

BUT she criticizes him..!   Im thinking to myself :What a Stupid woman.!  She like the end result ,but don’t like the Rhetoric .His children are the result of his Rhetoric and more !  IF a parent takes action when a child is acting up ,is he being Harsh ? ,But she likes the end result !

Does the Captain of a ship need to take harsh maneuvers sometimes to keep the ship on coarse ? Do you criticize the Captain because he not “moderate” all the time ?   If hes sees a 50 foot wave s going to hit him sideways and roll the ship over ,should he be  moderate in his correction ?

Hell NO ! not if you want to be alive and get back to port.  She dosent trust the Captain ,wants a more moderate one ,but she likes the “END Results”  !  You hire a GOOD Captain then you let him run the ship,without second guessing him on every move he makes.!

What a stupid woman ! unfortunately there are many like her ,and men too ! Judge him by the end RESULTS and after 70 years his end RESULTS are very good and better than 99% of his detractors ! A proven end result guy ! If you want a wimp that changes his mind to facilitate the current fad and makes you “FEEL GOOD” hire someone else ! but dont expect the same results.!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.