OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 0:42 on February 17, 2018  

There was no one who saw more than one shooter. They could think there was more than one. I can only assume that if there was far more students would of been killed.
Cruz pulled the fire alarm the second time because he knew the drill, driving the kids straight to him.
With all the kids if it were fake they’d be talking.
As far as the girl she could of saw him like she said after the shooting stopped because he ran out with the students.
There were other photos taken of the victims that were deleted people saw.
I think people are trying to play detective or can’t get their head around these school or other shooters. This is a big mistake. They need to be protected.
Kids need to learn to talk.
So many kids knew he’d do something like this and all they did was bar him from going to school with a back pack.
It’s not politically correct for them to speak up it would be insensitive.
One man did when he saw his post about becoming a school shooter and FBI did not follow through.
The church shooter the military did not follow through.
It seems if enough of this happens instead of taking off no gun zones to a few responsible to have weapons and trained to use them.
That perhaps they want to wear the population down with fear and they use it a lot to get what they want to violate our rights. Privacy, Mandatory Vaccines, Guns next.
This has been going on for awhile and still no changes. The only changes will probably be going after speech next as it will go into over kill next. They will detain anyone who is perceived as a threat because of something they said.
Just because they ignored it when it was a real threat.
Sorry that’s not gonna do it. Scary to think these people are making the decisions for the rest of us. Meanwhile the likes of MS 13 and other criminals are driving across the border.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.