OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Ororeef @ 9:59 on June 2, 2018  

HE WILL BE A FRIEND OF TRUMP and therefore not be under Chinas thumb…The US can do more for him than China can ,all Trump has to do is say look at S.Korea ..who created that miracle CHINA ? I dont think so ! Who can keep you in Power ? China ? Trump holds that card ! The DEMS will never be N.Koreas friend ..the first thing they will do is start talking about regime change and human rights ..look who killed Khadafi, the best leader in the N.Africa who gave his people the highest standard of living in N.Africa and spent millions bringing fresh water from the interior with his oil money, then who started the war in SYRIA with the HUMAN RIGHTS EXCUSES the DEMS did it with regime change stupidity from the Obama and Clintonistas .Mr Kim …Trump is the best bet you got ! He can keep you in Power
and at peace with China who dosent want S.Korea on their border ! The DEMS will betray you ! DE Nuclearise with Trump and buy years of time to reform gradually peacefully ..The Democrats destroyed the balance of power between Iraq and Iran Hillary bragged about killing Saddam ,then what happened ..she made Iran the most powerful state in the mid East ,the biggest richest troublemaker building nuclear weapons and signing phony documents that have no authority to prevent anything ,just the appearance of nuclear restraint.Millions have died because of DEMS betrayals in the mid East.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.