At this point, many are likely feeling a sense of polling fatigue, particularly since all the polls appear to be subsumed in deception. You know, the types of polls that show Biden holding a sizable edge over Trump just about everything, from different states to the entire nation. Despite Biden drawing perhaps 100 cars in attendance, versus Trump’s thousands.

However, a poll released by Draft Kings is probably the most accurate poll yet, and its results should be highly encouraging to anyone understandably nervous by the media’s (and for that matter, Pelosi’s) nonstop focus on a supposedly imminent Biden win.

Draft Kings conducted a poll across all the states, simply questioning respondents about who they think is most likely to win the presidential election. While one certainly expected a more realistic response than the likes of polls promoted by CNN, MSNBC, and a host of other joker outlets, the results are surprisingly fantastic for virtually anyone.

According to this poll, individuals in every single state, with the exception of Colorado, believe that Trump is going to win the election. That’s right: respondents in 49 out of 50 states, regardless of their personal presidential preference, believe that Trump will sweep the 2020 election.


What’s even more brilliant is this poll didn’t cover the standard 1,000-3,000 “sample” polls promoted by the Democrats. This poll features responses from 373,000 individuals and counting as of yesterday afternoon.

While we have long known that enthusiasm for Biden has been tepid at best, it is still surprising when states largely known for their arrogant elitism (i.e., California, New York, and so forth) are slowly realizing the inevitability of another four years.

These individuals include Democrat “officials” in key battleground states, such as Florida, where State Senator Oscar Braynon fretted over low turnout from black voters in Miami, the state’s largest city.

“There is not the turnout here [Miami] in the black community that I’ve seen in the past … I can speculate about the reasons, but the fact is, it remains concerning.” [Source: Breitbart]

In addition, other pollsters have grudgingly admitted that the polls blasted all over the fake news are likely not accurate, as they fail to take into account the “hidden” Trump voter.