OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Buygold @ 14:57

Posted by ipso facto @ 16:11 on October 15, 2024  

RE: Aliens Do you think we are the only intelligent species in the Universe?

Short covering in the shares at the close

Posted by Buygold @ 16:09 on October 15, 2024  

SM too I guess though.

They’ve got $31.50 silver locked down, at least until the dollar turns lower.

10 year was down 7 bips, nice rally in bonds today. Fed buying?

Still no volume

Posted by Buygold @ 15:47 on October 15, 2024  

Earnings start to roll in a couple weeks, I’d think they’ll be decent for the big boys. Maybe that’ll spark some interest in the shares.

Nevertheless, this is a very good day for most shares and hopefully indicates that the metals are about to get rolling again.

The dollar can’t go up 13 days in a row, can it? 🙂

Really good day

Posted by Buygold @ 14:57 on October 15, 2024  

When considering the dollar has turned up and the SM is down nicely, especially in the shares. Metals sort of plodding along. Still seems like $31.50 silver area is being defended.
The dollar is impressive. Glad it hasn’t really hurt us.

Don’t believe anything they say about aliens, it’s all a lie.

Was reading someplace

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:13 on October 15, 2024  

about the US gov paying incentives to business’s for hiring immigrant workers. So then the business’s lay off their unsubsidized citizen workers and hire the illegals. In effect the present administration is using your tax money to cause you to lose your job!

It’s the aliens!

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:44 on October 15, 2024  

Drone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by ‘mother ship’ UFO, claims top Pentagon official


First balloons

Posted by goldielocks @ 11:32 on October 15, 2024  

Now drones hanging around military bases.


Posted by Buygold @ 10:50 on October 15, 2024  

Never made any sense that Israel would agree to that. WaPo is fake news. Someone manipulating the story to back some oil shorts.

Everything is criminal with these people.

This morning volatility reminds me of a comedy skit.

Posted by goldielocks @ 10:45 on October 15, 2024  

Slowly I turn, step by step.  Lucy’s was the funnest.

There they are

Posted by Buygold @ 10:44 on October 15, 2024  

Guess they’re not going to let us do too much with the SM down.

Netanyahu Denies Substance Of WaPo Iran Strike Report Which Sent Oil Prices Sliding

Posted by Maddog @ 10:42 on October 15, 2024  


It was one thing when the mkt manipulation and lies were just targeted at the PM’mkt….but playing around with the Worlds price of Oil, is a whole other ball game …The above shows clearly that the WAPO article was simple lies…..but it hit Oil for 5 %……MBS and Co will not be pleased…


Posted by Buygold @ 10:23 on October 15, 2024  

Yep. Starting to pop, metals and shares. Funny but oil and the SM don’t seem to matter at the moment.

HUI back above 320 is a good sign. NEM has been leading.

Looks like our mates in China are still hungry…..maybe even about to become voracious…..!!!!!

Posted by Maddog @ 10:20 on October 15, 2024  


Posted by Maddog @ 10:00 on October 15, 2024  

‘It would be nice to have an upday’…

but they have got oil and all it’s shares on the run….painting the no inflation picture……still longer term China has had a dreadful close ….seems they can’t get that Mkt up and keep it up …though it is well off the lows still…..anyway the action ain’t great. so the PM buying is gonna continue, with nowhere else to go etc…..

Time for us to have an up day?

Posted by Buygold @ 9:50 on October 15, 2024  

Feels like we might have a shot. I suppose as long as the dollar stays tame.

Posted by ipso facto @ 7:52 on October 15, 2024  

Collective Mining Outlines a Porphyry System at Plutus by Intersecting 328.05 Metres @ 0.31 g/t Gold Equivalent from Surface




Newmont and MKS PAMP Partner to Launch Mine-to-Market Traceable Gold Bar at the Largest U.S. Wholesaler


AuMEGA High Resolution Magnetics Reveals Significant Geological Structures at Bunker Hill


Blackrock Silver Drills 3,745 g/t AgEq (1,921 g/t Ag and 20.26 g/t Au) over 2.6 Metres and Reports Multiple +1k g/t AgEq Intercepts at Tonopah West


Troubadour Announces 5,000 Metre Drill Program at the Senneville Gold-Copper Project


Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc: Third Quarter Production at Blanket Mine


Centamin PLC Announces Satisfaction of Competition Condition


Osisko Development Closes Final Tranche of Non-Brokered Private Placement for Total Aggregate Proceeds of US$34.5 Million


Oil getting hammered

Posted by Buygold @ 7:47 on October 15, 2024  

down almost 5% back to $70. Thought I saw some article on ZH that said the Israeli’s agreed not to bomb the Iranian oil production. Not sure why they would do that but oil getting creamed.

Otherwise, everything is going nowhere fast. Dollar, pm’s, SM, Bitcoin, all flat. Rates down 3 bips.

Looks pretty boring, although that might be OK for pm’s until we’re ready to move higher.

I have this sense of just waiting for the next big event. Whatever these elites plan to try to pull off before the election – and after. Slow motion march into chaos.

It will take years for Florida to rebuild after two hurricanes in two weeks. The damage and displacement is just crazy and sad. People are zombified, including me. Not sure what normal life looks like at the moment.


Posted by goldielocks @ 0:31 on October 15, 2024  

I agree with you both for different reasons.  I talked to people who spoke English from that part of the country who were asking for money for different reasons, churches, bibles, children as they found me associated to a group that went out and actually helped as in building schools not just handing money out and were Christians so that and bibles went with it. But that was a in law who was also a retired military involved in the church.  They all said the same thing. It was going to the government. Some also added that the money to help the people was going to the government to pay their military to protect the government. They are banana republics.

Maddog 15:48, I agree with Attenborough on this one.

Posted by ferrett @ 21:31 on October 14, 2024  

Sending food will do nothing to alleviate starvation. It’s all political. I remember reading in the Telegraph in the early seventies how 10% of Ethiopia was starving. And how GBP500,000 of whisky had just been unloaded at the Mogadishu, the (then) Ethiopian port. And I concluded that:

a) if only 10% of the population is starving, surely the other 90% could spare 10% of their food for the starving ones and:

b) half a million quids’ worth of whisky can hardly be considered famine relief

therefore there is no political will to help. A mate who was living in Ethiopia at the time later confirmed this. The only ones starving are the anti-government tribes. Sending food is barmy, as it will only end up with the pro-govt tribes, or sold on for the benefit of govt. officials.

Bear in mind there really isn’t any excuse for famine as the earth is a whole lot greener (which Attenborough also hates, as, like, it makes more CO2 seem like a good thing – which it undoubtably is) and any famine is probably govt. contrived.


Posted by goldielocks @ 20:23 on October 14, 2024  

Has a repertory lying commercial that Trump and Repubs did away withe Roe vs Wade and will end all abortions in Calif. Lies lies lies is all they got not to say that’s a good thing in the first place.

Most shares closed well

Posted by Buygold @ 16:43 on October 14, 2024  

Led by NEM. Gold still drawn to the $2650 level.

No real big eco data this week. Retail sales maybe, but light week. Revving up for $2700 / $33?

Alex Valdor

Posted by Maddog @ 15:48 on October 14, 2024  

There is a bloke called Attenborough, who does Wild Life TV programmes for the BBC and is now in his early nineties and considered a national treasure …recently when someone asked him about the latest food emergency in Ethopia and said we should send sacks of Food…to which Attenborough said …that was barmy…he is a well known eugenicist…..charming people.

Maddog @ 13:06

Posted by ipso facto @ 14:55 on October 14, 2024  

Love that graphic! Shows all the global warming stupidity in one picture.


Tried to upload the screenshot of the English side of the guidestones

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 13:59 on October 14, 2024  

but could not reduce the file size from over 10 Mb.
So I trimmed it just to rule #1


Maddog – the goal of the scientism shills is actally depopulation

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 13:37 on October 14, 2024  

…as the last sentence of the article about the ‘Greens’ hints at .

Almost everything that sustains human life traces back to plant growth which is enhanced by higher CO2 in the growing atmosphere . Greenhouses understand this and some deliberately increase CO2 within , for faster growth and improved yields .

There is an elitist cadre at the top of the global power pyramid who wish to limit humanity to 500 million , as per suggestion #1 on the now destroyed Georgia guidestons (in eight languages ). Do the math and about 15 of every 16 humans need to be eliminated to achieve this warped view .

Wars are a great tool to achieve this , particularly nuclear war , as well as mass starvation.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.