Of course this is what I am here to dispute
and The email states in plain language that I and Todd are Crooks
and that we somehow conspired to steal tentathon money for our own use
Here again are a summary of the facts
Because I wont stand accused and convicted without a response
The Rambus Site was started in late 2011 ..the early amout of traffic (for 1 year at least)
was negligible
Todd used the Same server as Goldtent because it was easier to manage
We had no real expectations..we just wanted to see if there was interest in Rambus work on a pay site
Turns out there was ..and the rambus site became busier
We then decided to pay a % of the server fee
which of course I have detailed in previous posts here
There is NO doubt we have paid our fair share of the server costs
we did not set out to hide the fact we were on the same server
It was just done for expedience at a time when we had no idea Rambus would become in such demand
In fact IF we had not paid our fair share of server costs Wanka would be correct in stating we were
hiding something
Nothing is further fro the truth
having said all this..I am very happy to see the tent resurrected
I have spent a huge amount of energy and heart and soul on this site
Thousands of sidebar links
hundreds of hours monitoring the site and welcoming new members
and my favorite accomplishment…the Locator
are not diminished by one mans mission to discredit his partners
the post below is malicious in its intent
Moggy just said it best
let go of the bad
Is this post a basis for the foundation of a successful venture