good to see your posts and the insight you bring
I received this email today from GATA. I hope it is appropriate to post it here as it seems important. I shudder to think what the PM market would be like today without the influence of these guys.
Le Metropole Members,
GATA needs help, so please consider buying a T-shirt
Submitted by cpowell on 09:02AM ET Sunday, July 20, 2014.
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Challenging all the money and power in the world, GATA long has operated more or less on a shoestring. This has largely been our own fault, insofar as we have put most of our effort into research and clamor and little into fundraising. The situation has gotten critical over the last year as central banks have intensified their efforts to suppress monetary metals prices, most of the monetary metals mining industry has chosen to curl up and die guietly rather than fight back, and metals investors have suffered serious losses.
Since we’re fanatics in pursuit of free and transparent markets, limited and accountable government, and fair dealing among nations, we’re not discouraged at all. We have evidence that our work has had a substantial impact, influencing government policy and market opinion around the world despite a blackout in the mainstream financial news media. And it is a bit of a triumph for us that central banks intervening against the monetary metals have had to give up all subtlety for their interventions since April last year. They have gotten more scared of losing control of the markets they have been rigging than they are scared of getting caught, but the more they are caught, the less effective their rigging will be and the more likely they will be to lose control completely. Europe
GATA means to keep pressing them and we don’t need a lot simply to stay in business and keep the flag flying. We don’t have the expense of the World Gold Council’s lovely offices in downtown London and its many highly paid employees. We can continue to operate on the electricity, telephone, and Internet service in our executives’ homes.
But our officers do make considerable sacrifices of their time — they are stuck in this struggle for its duration — and with more resources we can do more research, support the work of our consultants, make more presentations to the people who most should learn what’s really going on, undertake more lawsuits, and strike more blows for the cause.
This is not a general fundraising appeal. Our side is probably hurting too much for that and we’re not going to keep exploiting our best friends. Rather, it’s just the preface to our announcement that a hundred more GATA T-shirts are available for sale at $30 each, plus a small shipping charge, thereby facilitating smaller contributions that will give donors a little tangible evidence of their support.
The shirts are emblazoned with the colorful GATA painting by Alain Despert and are available in medium, large, and extra-large sizes. If we sell them all, we’ll recover the cost of their manufacture and our merchandise fulfillment house’s processing cost and come out ahead by a thousand dollars or so.
They can be viewed and purchased by credit card at GATA’s Internet site here:
And if you don’t want another T-shirt cluttering your closet but still would like to help GATA, please visit: CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Or a colorful poster of GATA’s full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:
Help keep GATA going GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at: To contribute to GATA, please visit:
Contact GATA Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee 7 Villa Louisa Road Manchester, Connecticut
This could have been avoided
There was a series of Posts I made in 2012 referring to Advertising of Rambus Chart Service had Administration addressed the questions directly this could have been avoided.I received a lot of silence from the Administration team.The question at the Bottom was the First to address it.I never mentioned Rambus name or the quality of his work ,simply wanted the question of advertising addressed.
new beginnings
thumbs up for the new site
Lost side bar info
Can anything be retrieved from what appears to be missing or lost from the Goldtent site side bar articles. pics etc?
one of the best gifts on my birthday this week (7-17) was the birth of the OASIS!
A huge Thank You for those who made our new home possible!
Really good to hear from so many posters we do not often hear from.
If Rambus site is so successful and using 80% he can support his site himself and this all wouldn’t of happened.
Sonce this site and private pay was not supposed to be incorporating soliciting for personal profit and perhaps why not mentioned I don’t know, might as well get advertisements on the side bar since it’s been going on in one form or another anyways. That would perhaps cover the future cost to Rambus since the tent will be no longer be covering it not should have to. But hey he at least offered a discount to Tenters didn’t he, although that’s to those who actually signed up and contributed too and would cost them more in the long run and profits would have to succeed expenses after taxes to make a profit instead if a loss although that’s not guaranteed. That just for those who knew about it in the first place.
I voted with my FEET
Of course this is what I am here to dispute
and The email states in plain language that I and Todd are Crooks
and that we somehow conspired to steal tentathon money for our own use
Here again are a summary of the facts
Because I wont stand accused and convicted without a response
The Rambus Site was started in late 2011 ..the early amout of traffic (for 1 year at least)
was negligible
Todd used the Same server as Goldtent because it was easier to manage
We had no real expectations..we just wanted to see if there was interest in Rambus work on a pay site
Turns out there was ..and the rambus site became busier
We then decided to pay a % of the server fee
which of course I have detailed in previous posts here
There is NO doubt we have paid our fair share of the server costs
we did not set out to hide the fact we were on the same server
It was just done for expedience at a time when we had no idea Rambus would become in such demand
In fact IF we had not paid our fair share of server costs Wanka would be correct in stating we were
hiding something
Nothing is further fro the truth
having said all this..I am very happy to see the tent resurrected
I have spent a huge amount of energy and heart and soul on this site
Thousands of sidebar links
hundreds of hours monitoring the site and welcoming new members
and my favorite accomplishment…the Locator
are not diminished by one mans mission to discredit his partners
the post below is malicious in its intent
Moggy just said it best
let go of the bad
Is this post a basis for the foundation of a successful venture
Moggy @ 15:20
Interesting Thanks!
Fullgoldcrown @ 14:59
Don’t mean to butt in, but this is going in circles.
The post below from Jul 18th adds further clarification for the reasons for the migration to the Oasis.
Howdy Aspengold … Welcome to the Oasis! This email was sent to all posters at GT.
This welcome is extended to you and all goldtenters far and wide to join us at the OASIS.
The current Rambus Chartology site was created by Audept and Fullgoldcrown and now takes up 80% of the current Goldtent (GT)/ Posters Paradise (PP) server usage. It was built without the knowledge of the third Goldtent founder/administrator Wanka, and co-administrators Floridagold and Ipso Facto.
While we wish success to Rambus Chartology, nevertheless the development of the Rambus Chartology site uses the GT / PP servers that have been paid for by multiple tent-a-thon contributions from posters such as yourself over the last several years. The Rambus site build began in 2011 and grew over the next few years to take upwards of 80% of current server usage. This was done without our knowledge or approval from 2011, 2012 and into 2013 when we first discovered this clandestine use during the last processor upgrade in May of 2013. Further, Rambus paid no fees for said usage, which means that as contributors to PP tent-a-thons, your donations for 2011, 12 and into 2013 went to support the build out and profits of the Rambus Chartology site. We find this to be a breach of faith and goodwill to Poster’s Paradise supporters, as the Rambus Chartology site as we all know is a monthly subscriber paid for profit site with Audept and Fullgoldcrown principals of the site.
We believe that this was both unreasonable and especially DISHONEST. For this reason, we have chosen to offer an alternative website where views can be shared similar to the Poster’s Paradise format, but free from the shackles of a webmaster (AuDept) that in addition refuses to support the technical aspects of PP, and delegates it to the backseat if not the trunk of the Rambus’ site, further preventing PP from future growth as it has been for many months isolated from internet usage for new posters.
It is unacceptable to us, as administrators of GT / PP, that we idly stand by being that the tent was created as an individualized and free website.
Many of us go back to 2003 – the foundation of the original Goldbugz (GBZ) which evolved from posters of the Gold_Eagle website.
We have now developed Goldtent Oasis, which is a continuum of the original Goldbugz (GBZ) website. As many of you know, Goldbugz GBZ in 2007 evolved into GT / PP. It is now our intention to support Goldtent Oasis as it was originally planned, as a free website where ‘goldbugs’ could cohabitate and share ideas and especially unencumbered by any out of control webmaster with dictatorial delusions of grandeur.
Be free to join us at GOLDTENT OASIS and register with your current PP handle if you please. We feel you will find it a most accommodating site using the latest WordPress 3.9.1 program and formatted similar to PP for your ease of use. Our webmaster, Westontechnologies, is an independent IT wizard and will give us the best of service without doubt.
We look forward to posting with you on the OASIS. Please feel free to ask any questions whatsoever about our change of venue. A straightforward, honest and direct answer will be your reply with any supporting information as needed.
In addition, we ask that you please forward this email to any tenters that you may have email communication with. We are trying to reach all the active and inactive tenters we can. Our thanks in advance!
Best of Cheers!
Wanka, Floridagold, Ipso Facto.
Well, I might as well join the crowd. Hello to everyone. Pleased to be here. Still ” Lurking”. I’m retired now and have moved from Hollywood to Mendocino County, Northern California. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Oldtimer @ 15:14
Purslane has more health benefits than your beans!
Health benefits of Purslane
This wonderful green leafy vegetable is very low in calories (just 16 kcal/100g) and fats; nonetheless, it is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Fresh leaves contain surprisingly more omega-3 fatty acids (α-linolenic acid) than any other leafy vegetable plant. 100 grams of fresh purslane leaves provide about 350 mg of α-linolenic acid. Research studies show that consumption of foods rich in ω-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and help prevent the development of ADHD, autism, and other developmental differences in children.
It is an excellent source of Vitamin A, (1320 IU/100 g, provides 44% of RDA) one of the highest among green leafy vegetables. Vitamin A is a known powerful natural antioxidant and is essential for vision. This vitamin is also required to maintain healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin A is known to help to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
Purslane is also a rich source of vitamin C, and some B-complex vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and carotenoids, as well as dietary minerals, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and manganese.
Furthermore, present in purslane are two types of betalain alkaloid pigments, the reddish beta-cyanins and the yellow beta-xanthins. Both pigment types are potent anti-oxidants and have been found to have anti-mutagenic properties in laboratory studies. [Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc. 45: 101-103 (2002)].
old timer
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
purslane is good in soups, salads, and stir-frys.
plus, it has lots of nutrients!
DATA: July 17, 2014 @ 2:15 P.M. – Key West, FL
This is both a Horoscope (the birthchart of an entity) and an Event chart.
The Sun in the 9th house describes the nature of the event. This is the house of formality…and of ethics. It rules dissemination of knowledge and circulation of ideas. The event itself will be a matter of the house he is in, allied to a matter ruled by the house that he rules. The Sun rules Leo, the sign on the 10th house of honor and dishonor, position or standing in the community and thus reputation.
The Sun makes but two aspects: Square to Mars and conjunction to Jupiter.
Sun in Cancer in the 9th house square Mars in Libra in the 12th house is the aspect of one who strives in an attempt to overcome some sort of sabotage (12th house). As the aspect is only 43′ from exact it indicates significant conflicts shortly after inception.
Sun conjunction Jupiter brings a period of optimism, increased ambition and positive outlook on life. Take care not to take on more than you can handle.
The activity in the event is of the nature of the house the Moon is in, and based on something ruled by the house where Cancer is found. The Moon in Aries is posited in the 6th house of upsetting and distressing conditions and actions relating to ethical behavior (9th house). The activity itself of the Moon in Aries is pioneering and self-reliant, positive and often defiant, taking the offensive or assuming charge; it is fast-moving, pace-setting, and physical.
The Moon was last over Neptune, which sabotages through ambivalence (opposing attitudes). Its first applying aspect will be a square to Pluto in the 3rd house of communications. Best advice would be to leave bad enough alone.
Thanks for the password Wanka…
Got it in my e-mail, and it seems to have worked.
Too bad I don’t have much to say!
Have to deal with an invasion of purslane that has taken hold in my bean patch!
enough of the he said – she said and fingerpointing. i doubt i’m the only one who’s tired of hearing about it! meet at dawn with swords or waterpistols. get a room and make up. anything, but not here.
thanks for shutting up.
the $840 from the Jan Tentathon applies to the May 2013 to May 2014 period
what about the $2400 extra I paid do complete the migration to the new server
who reimbursed me for that
nobody did..
1….because there was NO tentathon since Jan 2013
SO I paid $2400 to secure the new server (it would have been $3240…but we got credit for $840)
NOBODY paid for the remaining $2400 paid in May 2013…clearly there has been no tentathon to cover this
I am NOT asking for anybody to pay me back
NOT at all..I made the decision to cover this myself and Rambus Chartology paid me a portion of this
so as far as I am concerned everything is hunky dorey
except or the fact you continue to imply I or we cheated the tent !
We paid more than our fair share not less !
Again its simple I paid an extra $2400 in May 2013 and there was not a tentathon to cover this portion
good day
Re-Log in
Mr Copper, Ipso and Wanka,
Don’t know why but I haven’t had to re-log in every time I come to the Oasis after computer shut down. When I reset my password from the computer generated one I just checked the “remember me “button.
I am using an old Mac with an outdated Safari. ??
Another former gold mining townsite for sale, if anyone is interested in that kind of setting as a place to live. I’m not, but there could be someone who is.
Note to Winedoc: On link above, click on “More information” and then peak at “Photo galleries” for some nice views of subalpine and alpine landscapes in this old mining area.
Moogy @ 14:20
Moogy gets it right. Now, Moogy, lets see your results and what we are up against. Moogy correctly decides the Oasis true birth date….and this from a Woman of all things.
The King is dead. Long live the King(new)!
Time to move ahead . Goldtent was a great home but the Oasis is our new one. Most important to move ahead and not look back at what once was. To Fully, thanks for helping out at the Tent and hope to see you post again here. I particularly enjoyed seeing and reading all the “old faces’ checking into out new home. It was almost like the “Circus was in town feeling” for me. Let’s keep it up. As the world continues to fall apart, there is a need for an “oasis” like ours. We will have the ability to help many get through the tough times ahead. Long live the Oasis!
Ipso and Wanka
Wanka, I agree with your accurate guess and thank you for the information. As you said:
my best guess is when we went public.
the one post in may by our webmaster i think is when the program wordpress 3.9.1 was downloaded.
june is when we tested the heck out of it and refined it smoothed it and got all and any of the bugs out and made it what you see and into
july went further the testing and then imho it was
birthed when the founder letter was issued at
14:15 hours on july 17, 2014.