As you probably know colloidal silver (CS) is very expensive to buy. Where I live it’s about $1.50 per ounce and since I consistently take about 3-4 ounces per day it would cost me ~$100-150 per month to buy it. With that in mind I bought a CS generator from SilverGen in Washington State. At the time it was $200 but probably a little more now. This little generator sits on top of a quart or half gallon jar that you fill with distilled water and in a few hours you can make enough CS to pay for the generator. It is also fool proof. You set the dial for the desired strength (I make mine at 10 ppm) and the generator does the rest. Not only that but it will not work unless you are using distilled water. That is to prevent anyone from making what they think is CS using tap water or something other than distilled water. Using tap water you would be making silver chloride which is what people have done to turn themselves blue or gray. That can’t happen with the SilverGen generator.
I hope this helps!!