I read the entire article about nano particles in food and I see no mention of silver being used in anything we consume; only nano particles of titanium dioxide which in other applications has been proven to be harmful so allowing its use in foods is very questionable. Yes, silver is used in garments to kill toxins that cause BO, like in your socks and undershirts, but they don’t mention it as being ingested in food. Too bad!! The old farmer method of keeping milk from going sour was to drop a silver coin into the milk container, and it worked. The milk would not sour. I see nothing wrong with using silver in nano particle (colloidal) size to both keep foods fresh and also improve the immune system at the same time. I’ve been taking colloidal silver daily for many years and seldom have had more than a mild cold and never a need for antibiotics, where before discovering colloidal silver I had constant sinus infections that required antibiotics several times each year.
Good to see you at the Oasis. :o)