Your post is good and timely advice. Load up on the PM shares and hang on for the ride. Unfortunately most of the PM investors seem to have been converted to ETF day traders who continue to shoot themselves in the foot, especially with the leveraged ETF’s. Oh, there are a few that still buy the real thing and are hanging in there for this great run up that has been underway for awhile now, but it appears to me that most are still acting like Mexican jumping beans jumping into and out of the ETF skillet. If all the money that goes into ETF’s were put into the actual miner shares we would have been off to the races long ago, but that’s how this game has been rigged and it is still under the full control of the riggers. The thing is that now is the time that the riggers also want the miners to run up to the next top so anybody who is sitting on the sidelines, and there are lots of them, is going to miss the greatest move up in the history of this PM bull to date. I’ve posted several charts that show where we are going, and a few others also see it, but for the most part this sector has been beaten into submission and appear afraid to take the chance. They’ll be the ‘woulda coulda, shoulda’ crowd when this run is all over.
Anyway Saber, hope you stick around for the fun!! silverngold