All and all what seems to be going on is a conflict of interest. One minute their going to war with them the next claiming what good people they are. Before 911 I worked with a female Muslum who was white American who married a Mid Eastener. She was quite happy, a very good nurse and I liked her. All her money went into the bank because he paid all the bills. She didn’t tolerate abusive men and a administrator was treating the nurses badly.He had a habit of coming in going straight to the bathroom so one day she got in there first took all the toilet paper out as well as hand paper and turned off the water. He came in the nurses all smiled waved to him while he headed to the bathroom. He was in there for a hour. She was a character. Unfortunately she dropped out of sight after 911. Yes there are good Muslims I believe and also bad ones. It’s the bad ones we have to worry about.
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