A New Peaceful, Tranquil Mogambo?
July 28, 2014
By: The Mogambo Guru
I now belatedly realize, with crystal clarity, that being an “inert carbon blob” is a reachable goal for me. Thus, ‘tis my new plan for my remaining retirement years, since it has no age restrictions, takes no effort, and has zero cost, but, happily, does involve a lot of TV and tasty snacks.
I am re-evaluating such things now, now that my wonderful plans to be a rich champion golfer/ rich movie star/ rich love god/ rich living legend/ rich international playboy are all in utter ruins, thanks to a profound lack of any discernable talent, looks, intelligence, money or actual effort on my part.
Now that I am starting to accept my fate, I am much more serenely Buddha-like, and less concerned that the Federal Reserve and the federal government have been proven to be corrupt, treacherous liars colluding to continually deficit-spend a trillion dollars per year, using nefarious, slimy and heretofore illegal secret tactics made legal under a cancerous expansion of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, in order to desperately prevent any losses (“deflation”) in debt instruments, equity shares or housing prices, because that is where everybody’s money is.
Nowadays, I am much more calm about things, as shown by my seeming nonchalance at the evil Federal Reserve increasing Total Fed Credit by another $14 billion last week, and $12 billion the week before that, or how the monetary base jumped to over $4 trillion last week, a mighty rise of $114 billion in, as I said, One Freaking Week (OFW).
And notice my easy demeanor, instead of choking on my own vomit or my eyes rolling back in my head, at the news that 523,000 full-time jobs were lost last month.
So with my new peaceful tranquility, there is no use getting upset and sending myself into another famous Mogambo Primal Scream Of Outrage (MPSOO) at the absolute horrors to be inflicted because of the inflation in prices that will necessarily follow such massive inflation in the money supply.
And let us not forget that a MPSOO is always replete with loud obscenities, incoherent ramblings, vague death threats, inciting Thomas Jefferson as a reason to riot, take over the Federal Reserve, and get America back on a stable money supply, letting nothing stand in our way.
The usual modus operandi of MPSOO is to proceed to more death threats, anonymous phone calls, annoying emails, police being called, embarrassment at being hauled off, kicking and screaming “We’re Freaking Doomed (WFD)!” at the top of my voice, neighbors jeering, family cheering, and the unpleasantness of court-ordered psychiatric evaluations.
Cont. http://mogamboguru.com/current_issue.html