Thanks for the comeback. Regarding your part….
“Apart from a brief hiatus while Communism was around”
Huh? I’m sure you did not mean that. Communism is bigger than ever these days. North Vietnam took back S Vietnam, and the USA got shotgun weddinged or allied to communist China and communist Russia. So even the USA is a little tainted.
The only ones enjoying capitalism (unfettered business activity) are the big global banking and big global corporations that do as they please across international borders.
This would explain why Obama is saying things like asking for corporate patriotism, and telling corporations to stop complaining. I strongly suspect all the elected representatives of most countries got DUPED into going along the globalization agenda. Good for global business, and good for global leftist socialist interests.
Taking wealth from the rich countries and giving it to poor countries (and big business) works until they ran out of money in the rich countries, like now.
Now, without a well off tax PAYING middle class, various politicians and other tax absorbers, in many countries are having various deficit and food stamp etc problems because of that. They now realize in the once wealthy countries, big business is not their country’s friend. (big corporations the cat that swallowed the canary)