In a sense employment/unemployment is this, and other countries biggest problem. There are few jobs for the working class anylonger. Machines and computers have taken over the production of goods and even some services. As I am sure Mr. Copper is aware of, right after WW 2 it took almost three years to reconvert the ‘war plants’ back to produce the multitude of civilian goods that were in demand. There were waiting lists and premiums (along with ‘under the table’ bribes being paid for almost any manufactured product you wanted. Today we cannot even use the old manufacturing plants as they are too obsolete to even be ‘re-opened’. So the problem really is what do we do with millions of working class people who need to eat, be clothed and housed. Work to eat is not the answer, when there is no work, and the government will provide a better standard of living for free. No one will work for minimum wages, that for the illegals. Any comments?
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