I’m not so concerned about automation or a computer taking over my job.
I’m of the belief that a new economy is now emerging. A third industrial revolution is unraveling right before our eyes. This is all occurring b/c of the web and cheap digital fabrication tools.
The old regime will fall. the old way to do business will drown many of fools coming soon. The old model of designing something in the west and shipping off the blueprints for it to be built by a third world country is soon to be challenged. Products will no longer be loaded onto boats and shipped. It’s a dead model that the PTB want to keep on CPR as long as possible.
We’re moving to the future where factories will no longer be needed to produce items. Just download and print. John Maynard Keynes says, “It’s easier to ship recipes that cakes and biscuits.”
All industrial revolutions so far have been hugely disruptive technological events that cause many problems in the social and economic fabrics.
Ideas want to be free and shared. Hoarders hurt themselves. Elon Musk recognized this and made all his car patents open source. Pretty neat stuff. A door has opened.
If a factory is everywhere, the design team is everyone. One size fits all.