OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by ipso facto @ 11:03 on August 13, 2014  

I think the Pope, Christians and the West in general are right to be alarmed by the territorial gains and ideology of ISIS. They seem to be enemies of civilization and the rights of man. As Maddog said: It’s like the gates of Hell have opened.

Bad joke

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:59 on August 13, 2014  

Confused by the new London silver fix? You should be!

The mechanism for the new London silver fix leaves market expert Ross Norman totally confused. Is it workable and will it improve transparency? Will it be better than the old one?

Author: Ross Norman
Posted: Wednesday , 13 Aug 2014


The silver market has cause for concern…

This Friday sees Thomson Reuters and CME roll-out of their new fixing engine and market participants are understandably clueless about how it works less than three days before it goes live. With the traditional fixing members have stepping away, it remains a mystery who will be taking the fix orders – with a deafening silence from market participants.

Oddly, if you can identify who your orders are to go through, then you have to get the calculator out because Reuters advise that prices are no longer in US dollars per ounce but US dollars per “lakh” or 100,000 ounces … why ?

The Reuters ‘explainer’ goes on to state that if the fix is within a 300,000 tolerance then it will fix … so what happens to the residual amounts – especially if no one steps up to be a “participant” ? And do all the new participants or “fixing members” as they were formerly called all have bilateral credit arrangements so those deals can settle ? I have no idea.

Meanwhile the design looks quite retro in a DOS sort of way – Clive Sinclair would be impressed – with catchy descriptors like “quote:LDNXAGAUC1” to enter presumably your orders … see below … and cry.

more http://www.mineweb.com/mineweb/content/en/mineweb-independent-viewpoint?oid=249986&sn=Detail

IPSO ,Finally Moral Conviction !

Posted by Ororeef @ 10:48 on August 13, 2014  

If anybody wonders where the POPES Army is     …It was the POPE ,RONALD REAGAN,and Margaret THatcher that brought down the Communists in Russia .

Now the POPE sees a threat to Christians in mid East and elsewhere ,he’s had enough ,He will again marshall his Army to stop Radical Muslims and identify who is supporting them with money ! If necessary another Crusade may be necessary  .Finally leadership with Moral conviction !  It’s no secret that Saudi money is behind 911 and the current radicals for whatever reason they need to be exposed .It could be they are threatened with radicalizing Saudia Arabia itself ,but in any case the Saudi’s need to make a decision the POPE is forcing their hand.The Pandering politicians need to grow a pair.History does repeat itself and the POPE knows it.! The POPES army is guess where ?

The POPE  will supply the MORAL conviction to stop another European Caliphate ..all Europe is at risk,no more Ottoman Empires .! THe Church also  plans long term,just like the Chinese.

Now if we could get a Christian President ,and some Christians on the Fed  we could realy get workable representation and the Rule of Law back in America.!

What miner just hit a record high?

Posted by sbr @ 10:41 on August 13, 2014  


ipso re: LSG

Posted by amals @ 10:31 on August 13, 2014  

Yes, I’ve had my eye on that.  Thanks.


Posted by ipso facto @ 10:16 on August 13, 2014  

NEM chart looking very prospective. Wouldn’t mind this bellweather running higher. Institutions coming back to PMs?


Posted by sbr @ 10:04 on August 13, 2014  



Large base breakout.

Triple short ETF for miners…support fail imminent?

Posted by sbr @ 10:02 on August 13, 2014  

sust support

In Turkey, a late crackdown on Islamist fighters

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:54 on August 13, 2014  

REYHANLI, Turkey — Before their blitz into Iraq earned them the title of the Middle East’s most feared insurgency, the jihadists of the Islamic State treated this Turkish town near the Syrian border as their own personal shopping mall.

And eager to aid any and all enemies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Turkey rolled out the red carpet.

In dusty market stalls, among the baklava shops and kebab stands, locals talk of Islamist fighters openly stocking up on uniforms and the latest Samsung smartphones. Wounded jihadists from the Islamic State and the al-Nusra Front — an al-Qaeda offshoot also fighting the Syrian government — were treated at Turkish hospitals. Most important, the Turks winked as Reyhanli and other Turkish towns became way stations for moving foreign fighters and arms across the border.

“Turkey welcomed anyone against Assad, and now they are killing, spreading their disease, and we are all paying the price,” said Tamer Apis, a politician in Reyhanli, where two massive car bombs killed 52 people last year. In a nearby city, Turkish authorities seized another car packed with explosives in June, raising fears of an Islamic State-inspired campaign to export sectarian strife to Turkey.

“It was not just us,” Apis said. “But this is a mess of Turkey’s making.”

more http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/how-turkey-became-the-shopping-mall-for-the-islamic-state/2014/08/12/5eff70bf-a38a-4334-9aa9-ae3fc1714c4b_story.html

Ouch! First Majestic getting hammered on their earnings report. Down 47 cents

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:44 on August 13, 2014  

A little Holy Water will improve accuracy

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:36 on August 13, 2014  

Vatican’s approval of Iraq strikes a rare exception to peace policy

The Holy See’s ambassador to the United Nations, Silvano Tomasi, this weekend supported US air strikes aimed at halting the advance of Sunni Islamic State (IS) militants, calling for “intervention now, before it is too late”.

“Military action might be necessary,” he said.

While the Vatican vocally disapproved of the US-led campaign in Iraq in 2003 and the 2013 plan for air strikes on Syria — fearing both might make the situations worse for Christians on the ground — fears of ethnic cleansing by Islamists has forced a policy change.

Tomasi’s appeal follows warnings from Church leaders in Iraq that the persecution is becoming a genocide, with urgent help needed to protect Christians and Yezidis in the north of the country, where tens of thousands have been forced to flee for their lives.

Military support was needed “to stop the wolf getting to the flock to kill, eat, destroy”, Rabban al-Qas, the Chaldean bishop of Amadiyah, told Vatican radio.

Tomasi insisted “those supplying arms and funds to the fundamentalists, (and) the countries tacitly supporting them, must be revealed”, while Qas pointed the finger at Saudi Arabia.

more http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/1cd4dc20-b132-4524-a9b2-85d9990bf96e


Posted by Buygold @ 9:30 on August 13, 2014  

I’m with Moggy, a fascinating video. If this guy is right Hemp oil sounds like a cure all. Amazing,

Present Economic Slump

Posted by commish @ 9:16 on August 13, 2014  


Good morning Oasis

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:14 on August 13, 2014  

Orvana Releases Financial and Operating Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2014


First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results


silver rider @ 2:56

Posted by Moggy @ 8:42 on August 13, 2014  

What a fascinating video, thank you for posting it.

Morning Oasis

Posted by Buygold @ 8:36 on August 13, 2014  

Retail Sales lay an egg. Up 0% vs. estimates of up 0.3%

They can’t really blame the weather. Macy’s also missed.

So much for the booming economy.

Coffee’s on

Posted by MadMike @ 5:04 on August 13, 2014  

biscuit pocket

Good Interview

Posted by silver rider @ 2:56 on August 13, 2014  


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.