It’s also interesting to note that during at ADD phase where doctors were giving harmful drugs to kids these kids were acting out in fits of violence as well as other kids getting a hold of these drugs chemically messing with the minds of so many.They were handing them out like candy. Also the suicide rates of kids went up because they couldn’t link the feelings were related to the drugs or ” coming off the drugs or missing them due to they didn’t like what it was doing to them.” Further problems how they were treated by school officials”including because if they didn’t see things the way they did something must me wrong with them also attacking their self esteem when it could be other issues instead, like say dyslexia. They also promoted these pills. I bet for every school shooting the schools had a hand in it from either their actions or inactions including suicide as well as some doctors who chose to ignore the parents concerns over side effects.
Someone told be that all these school shootings all these kids were on a bunch of different drugs through their lives how true that is I don’t know but wouldn’t doubt it.