If you ever doubted the direction France is headed, you need doubt no more.
The headline reads: “One in six French people say they support ISIS”
Holy halal cow! That’s a lot of people (and I use that term loosely).
So much for the narrative of the “moderate Muslim.” Apparently, there are violent Muslims who seek world domination. And there are a whole lot of other Muslims who don’t behave in an overtly violent way (yet), but who support those who do.
Per the article linked above:
…the big, scary, surprising, number here is France: 16 percent of those surveyed say they support ISIS. That’s an awful lot. And that number gets even larger as the demographics get younger….
This is alarming, in part because a growing number of Europeans, often from predominantly Muslim immigrant communities, are not just expressing their support for ISIS in polls: they are traveling to Syria and Iraq to join up. The ISIS fighter who killed American journalist James Foley on video last week spoke with a strong London accent. European governments are rightly worried about the implications of this for their own national security
more http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/08/au_revoir_france.html