OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

MadMike @ 2:12 Good Morning

Posted by Farmboy @ 8:18 on August 30, 2014  

Good point you made. That one slipped right by me. Was too busy cussing out the ‘Instructor’. 🙂


You and Lady Bug Kick back and enjoy . Let ole Farmboy serve up some coffee and breakfast for you two.


MM Coffee

This ought to hold you until lunch. (grin)


mm breakfast

Best to both of you, Farmboy



Sunrise At The Oasis On A Saturday Morn…

Posted by Farmboy @ 7:57 on August 30, 2014  

sat morn coffee

silverngold 22:34

Posted by MadMike @ 2:12 on August 30, 2014  

During my short military stint I learned that firing blanks required the use of a blank firing attachment (BFA) attached to the end of the muzzle. This allowed the escaping gas from a fired blank round to build enough pressure in the barrel to force the receiver mechanism back and eject the spent round and chamber the next round. An actual live round builds up enough pressure in the barrel behind the escaping projectile and initiates a blowback action that ejects and chambers. Without the BFA the gas simply escapes from the end of the barrel and creates no pressure to eject the spent round. The receiver must be cocked manually to chamber the next round. We NEVER mixed live rounds with blanks.

Maybe automatic firearms have changed a bit since I served, but I think probably not. Perhaps any current serving member of the Armed Forces could enlighten me.

Best, MadMike


Posted by goldielocks @ 1:08 on August 30, 2014  

Somehow this post site makes my post disappear if I hit the done sometimes.

If you look close you will see that after the first shot when he put it in auto their is a small trail that starts above the target and goes to the left that wasn’t there before. What happened next I don’t know. She could have tried to pull the gun up away from the instructor or he attempted to grab it. It happened real fast but soon as he saw that it threw her left hand of on recoil he should of grabbed it. These days with so much paranoia and accusations maybe he was hesitant to touch her and why he was standing at her side instead of behind her or kept his hand on the gun just in case.  If it dies anything it will push to restrict children from using automatic machine guns. Bad choice to start a kid out with. There was also a woman’s voice when her hand came loose that could of distracted the instructor I’m guessing the mother who saw trouble.  Personally because they can get away from you I don’t think it’s a good idea. Someone I know who has a auto said that she should of shot her parents in the foot with it while she was at it just letting her shoot one.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.