I have seen first hand, up close and personal, enough of this waste of life. The Terror, the destruction. I have watched, and interdicted as much as I could. My mind and heart grows weary. Congratulations on your post. But, what the hell am I suppose to do now? I am old, and have grown so weary of this thing called ‘war’. You have a better plan, please pass it on. IF not, my eyes no longer wish to hear, nor my eyes to see. You want to pay for me an airplane ticket to go help these folks, well….I figure I have a few good shots left in me.
To tell me, inform me, of the horrors of war, and those losing their lives….I say spare me, and my conscience. I confessed the other day, that I wished I had killed more when I had the chance. I did cut a few some slack. And am sorry for doing so.
Course, you can talk it to ‘death’ from the comfort of your couch.