OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Where we are going.

Posted by commish @ 12:25 on September 2, 2014  

I think what we are seeing today is  the Central Banks  trading in the US futures market  transferring money from the many to the few.



The concept that has underpinned the modern geopolitical era is in crisis

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:25 on September 2, 2014  

From eeos @ 11:54:

There ya go. Another sign of reversal of the old world order. Now, finally, even Henry Kissinger sees, or admits what I saw back in 2000 and 2001 when little George had to put a tariff on imported steel and lumber until the lower dollar started helping with higher prices.

silverngold @ 12:01 on September 2, 2014

Posted by ment17 @ 12:20 on September 2, 2014  

so you see in the bible price targets for gold and silver then when asked to clarify we get… “none so blind that cannot see.”

Well then point out the see that we can not see…

and an aside you posted that none should show charts … yes….. why give the opposing team the playbook for the next play ..

so the low in gold is 1260.. silver 18.90 on good authority ..and you use the bible to back up your reasons ..
or perhaps you have a chart.. lol

so one again … point out the “see that we can not see ”

I don’t get it…who ya laughin at?

Posted by eeos @ 12:18 on September 2, 2014  

Sounds like some judgmental shite if I’ve ever heard it. keep the course steady. I’m not here to convert anyone. Live and let live

Ment and eeos

Posted by silverngold @ 12:01 on September 2, 2014  

None are so blind as those who will not see. LOL!!! Have a good day all. Silverngold


Posted by puptent @ 11:56 on September 2, 2014  

The NWO faces a paradox: Its prosperity is dependent on the success of globalization, but political reactions are counter to its aspirations

Posted by eeos @ 11:54 on September 2, 2014  

Henry Kissinger on the Assembly of a New World Order

The concept that has underpinned the modern geopolitical era is in crisis

Libya is in civil war, fundamentalist armies are building a self-declared caliphate across Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan’s young democracy is on the verge of paralysis. To these troubles are added a resurgence of tensions with Russia and a relationship with China divided between pledges of cooperation and public recrimination. The concept of order that has underpinned the modern era is in crisis.

The search for world order has long been defined almost exclusively by the concepts of Western societies. In the decades following World War II, the U.S.—strengthened in its economy and national confidence—began to take up the torch of international leadership and added a new dimension. A nation founded explicitly on an idea of free and representative governance, the U.S. identified its own rise with the spread of liberty and democracy and credited these forces with an ability to achieve just and lasting peace. The traditional European approach to order had viewed peoples and states as inherently competitive; to constrain the effects of their clashing ambitions, it relied on a balance of power and a concert of enlightened statesmen. The prevalent American view considered people inherently reasonable and inclined toward peaceful compromise and common sense; the spread of democracy was therefore the overarching goal for international order. Free markets would uplift individuals, enrich societies and substitute economic interdependence for traditional international rivalries. Read more at WSJ



No one knows where we’re going

Posted by eeos @ 11:51 on September 2, 2014  

stop wasting energy trying to make the next right prediction. Chart it all you want.

H. L. Mencken: “Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable.”

silverngold @ 11:21 on September 2, 2014

Posted by ment17 @ 11:39 on September 2, 2014  

the Bible .. will tell us the low…and then will it replace Edwards and Magee as the go to day trading book.

as an aside for information .. where does this gold and silver price show up. In the text of the bible .. besides some esoteric jumbling of numbers as a code that only a day trader could love lol

More foreign firms feel unwelcome in China>>More Signs Of Major Reversal Of Globalization

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 11:37 on September 2, 2014  

“BEIJING—A growing number of foreign businesses in China feel shut out under new government policies promoting homegrown technology, according a survey released Monday.

Fully 38 percent of foreign firms questioned by the American Chamber of Commerce say they feel increasingly unwelcome to participate and compete in the Chinese market.

That marks a 12 percentage point rise from the last survey taken just a few months before. Over that period, the government has increasingly steered business toward state-owned companies, ostensibly as part of efforts to boost innovation among Chinese firms.

The chamber said it strongly supports promoting indigenous innovation, but believes current policies give an unfair advantage to domestic companies that enjoy strong government backing and political connections.”

Everything was fine before the ’08 meltdown. As the ship sinks its a struggle for survival, of the fittest. Every man for himself. China et al all were very happy while the USA was the import job loss sucker that was done to help China et al grow starting in ’79. Japan and Europe were the benefactor after 1945. The USA was gang banged by many countries. Its all reversing very slow.

Well IMO we’re approaching the lows again.

Posted by silverngold @ 11:21 on September 2, 2014  

I have it on good authority that the gold low will be $1260.00 and the silver low will be $18.90 this month of September 2014. In fact I think it is written in the greatest book ever written, the Bible, which foretells all that is to come.

Any of you math geniuses like to tell me what the silver to gold ratio might be at my low PO’s?? It could be an eyeopener as to who is running this show. LOL!!! All The Best, Silverngold


Posted by Buygold @ 11:16 on September 2, 2014  

“I would suggest we are all very fortunate to witness these natural moments in relative peace and freedom….I would suggest there are many souls ….heads down and dreaming of such a simple wonderful pleasure…”

Very well said, an attitude of gratitude. Even though the US is being systematically destroyed and robbed by D.C. and Wall Street, it would certainly be a lot worse to wake up every day in Iraq, Syria, Gaza or almost anywhere in the M.E. or North Africa, wondering if you’ll have food and water or if some group of fanatics is going to show and burn your house down or behead a loved one.

It’s too damn bad we couldn’t have just left the rest of the world alone.

Puptent, I Didnt Say Anything About Love….Just Would Ya Marry Me? :)

Posted by Farmboy @ 11:12 on September 2, 2014  

So how goes your healing process ? You ready to dance the night away with me yet?



farmboy ..love starts with a dimond

Posted by puptent @ 11:06 on September 2, 2014  


WANKA 10:20

Posted by amals @ 10:40 on September 2, 2014  

Yep.  That’s what I mean.  Very nice.  Let me know when you evict… who is it there in the garage?

Ten more countries that may default on debt after Argentina

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:35 on September 2, 2014  

Argentina defaulted for the second time in 12 years after hopes for a midnight deal with holdout creditors were dashed, setting up stock and bond prices for declines on Thursday and raising chances a recession could worsen this year.

After a long legal battle with hedge funds that rejected Argentina’s debt restructuring following its 2002 default, Latin America’s third-biggest economy failed to strike a deal in time to meet a midnight deadline for a coupon payment on exchange bonds.

Even a short default will raise companies’ borrowing costs, pile more pressure on the peso, drain dwindling foreign reserves and fuel one of the world’s highest inflation rates.

However, Argentina is not the only country that has struggled to pay its debt recently. There are 10 other countries currently on Moody’s lists with a rating of Caa1 or worse, meaning they are at risk of default.

Ecuador, Egypt, Pakistan, Venezuela, Belize, Cuba, Cyprus, Greece, Jamaica and Ukraine are all on the verge of a default, according to Moody’s ratings.

more http://stratrisks.com/geostrat/20763

aurum @ 10:09 Thanks For The Compliment

Posted by Farmboy @ 10:32 on September 2, 2014  

say, hows the heart burn anyways ? 🙂


About time we all got together again. Think Wanka should host a party for all us goldbugs. LOL


Ya’ll can place bets on who gets to sleep in the Golden Hammock. I think I can take ole Floridagold in an arm wrestling match. If, not, pretty sure I can out do Buygold in something to get the shed space.


Would sure love to see everyone again. Shake the paw of some new friends as well. Hey, did Vronsky ever throw  that party he talked about.  Remember him posting the menu for the Goldbug feast. I think it was suppose to happen at gold $1,000 ? The boy is a little late huh?


Posted by goldielocks @ 10:19 on September 2, 2014  

Maybe the next Pres should be Jewish just to give him a good send off.

Beautiful pictures this morning.

Farmboy’s cooking

Posted by aurum @ 10:09 on September 2, 2014  

I can attest to Farmboy’s culinary skills as I have eaten chili that he cooked outdoors in the North Georgia mountains at a bug get-together some years ago.


puptent @ 9:44 You Are Right. (must be that woman thing)

Posted by Farmboy @ 10:03 on September 2, 2014  

So why don’t you just marry me and we run off to some island. I am pretty good at catching fish, and watching the sun rise and set. Probably not much good for anything else. OH, and I can cook a little.


Hope you are faring well and getting ready to run some road race. Farmboy



Sinclair on an island this am

Posted by Buygold @ 9:56 on September 2, 2014  

TRX up $.02

Not much else green except a couple of pink sheets on no volume.

Surprised the shares aren’t getting hit harder – yet anyway.

Posted by Walker @ 9:56 on September 2, 2014  

Wonderful pictures FOLKS…please smile…my spelling has never changed…I would suggest we are all very fortunate to witness these natural moments in relative peace and freedom….I would suggest there are many souls ….heads down and dreaming of such a simple wonderful pleasure…

One thing I am convinced is occurring. Change…..given twenty years ago, 1 in a hundred thousand understood the FED…today? …just a interesting progression….

the calm before the storm

Posted by aurum @ 9:56 on September 2, 2014  



Looking at the Atlantic a few days ago.  Photo downsized as a test.

The pm market has really become comical in terms of how predictable it is.  Fortunately most see this and the juniors in particular pay hardly any notice.


winedoc, WANKA, Floridagold…

Posted by amals @ 9:48 on September 2, 2014  

You guys are killing me.  I haven’t seen big water for quite some time now, and I miss it.  Maybe this fall…

WANKA, you especially are killing me!  Not sure if I’d want to live in the Keys year round, but it’s been wonderful the two or three times I’ve been there.  I always thought it would be best to live on one of the calm waterways leading out to sea.  Your place seems ideal.

Sept 2….wonderful pictures floks…

Posted by Walker @ 9:47 on September 2, 2014  

Good Morning,
Just a small insight into the filtered news and chatting faces of the gold and silver world this past weekend. One particular ,gentleman, shared his opinion on why the US markets & dollar are and will continue to “fair better than the others in a global window perspective”.
In interrelationship of my insight …there is REALLY nowhere to run for them. Consider the options that the central banking cartel, trading houses, have created. I think we have only really four or five large trad-able currency. We all know they are equally worthless, but, in reference to which is the best of the worst scenario…. the US digit still remains king for the day. Allow me, we here ,all know that the real and only historical money is gold and silver with time and time again proven proof … forever…NO exceptions .
We all know that the Shadow, created this incredible system of central banking and the evolution from gold to paper/digits etc…etc….They cannot allow or will not allow their only great emesis to their global empire to be lost and returned to gold which cannot be as illusionary and limitless controlled without the real metal…hence they have a real problem to their global control system. If the Us digits is the best of the worst…hummm…time is on our side.
Point…this limitless money creation has bought them the world as we know it today…”simple statement” but very accurate. Fortunately for us, unfortunate for THEM it is/was created on an illusionary foundation ….
So there you have it …..for this morning…until something changes…
I still maintain charts are but foot prints of the “shadow”…
small time traders were or have been taken to the wood shed long ago…the system runs every event…
I am certain…we all have our own insight and perspective…I just shared mine.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.