sounds to me like the Chinese are as creative with their accounting numbers as our Government. I wonder, cause I don’t know, if you took the Government Spending out of our GDP numbers if we would show any positive GDP numbers for the past several years ?
And if our banks had to mark assets to market, instead of fantasy, would any of the big banks be solvent?
I guess that is what bugs me about all this charting stuff. Like some ole geezer named Ment once asked, ” Whose numbers?” Well, I think he said something like that once. It is all an illusion if you ask me. Except, I can still count with fingers and toes how many ounces. Don’t have a clue what those ounces are valued at, but it sure aint what the paper pushers are saying.
And thinking, maybe Silverngold has done a better job of reading his Bible lately, cause it sure looks like he has an inside shot with The Boss. His numbers for the lows are nearly there today.
Now that is a something to ponder. Make fun of the Bible, but believe in the Government numbers ? Think I will go with the ole book. Best I can tell, aint no lies in it.