“God of Crude Oil Trading” Goes All In On Crude At $150 Bet
Tyler Durden’s pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 09/03/2014 21:10 -0400
Andy Hall – known as the God of Crude Oil Trading to some of his peers – has, according to Bloomberg, built his success on a simple creed: Everyone who disagrees with him is wrong. He was one of the few traders who anticipated both the run-up in and the eventual crash of oil prices in 2008. Hall has made billions for the companies for which he’s traded by placing one aggressive bet after another; and now, he is all-in again. Hall is going all in on a bet that the shale-oil boom will play out far sooner than many analysts expect, resulting in a steady increase in prices to as much as $150 a barrel in five years or less. As one industry CEO warned, “anybody who bets against Andy Hall might be making a poor bet.”
more http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-09-03/god-crude-oil-trading-goes-all-crude-150-bet