Well, I appreciate the education in ‘bushwhacking’. Always good to learn something new. Guess us Southern folk don’t talk about such things as much. What happens down by the creek bed, or lakeside, or even in the Hay Barn, pretty much stays there. Getting harder these days to spend a little time with your gal in private. I figure with all these gubberment cameras they are putting up everywhere, and now talk of drones….well, the good ole days of skinny dipping and running nekked in some field is about over.
Guess I was lucky to have grown up in more innocent times. About the only thing I had to look over my shoulder was that Gossip Bench down at the church. What they did not know….it sure seems they could make up stories. (grin)
Well, I raise a cup of coffee in your honor this morning. Cheers, and I hope you get bushwhacked real soon. 🙂 And if a Southern Boy is the bushwhacker, I am sure it will be an experience to remember, and that Gossip Bench, can talk about for years to come.
Best, Farmboy