Good Morning
Well to best describe yesterday would be in simple terms Not Pretty, smile. I do not want to hear one word about charts. This is a completely manipulated market place. To suggest that this market is fundamentally valued in relationship to these extremes numbers, WITH anything but illusionary digits funded and controlled by the International FED and would require a fool. ( I must apologize to any believers here which may consider the Fed just a “bank”, smile) Frankly, I do not believe anyone here, reading at the tent, does not understand the tremendous power that the Fed has historically MANUFACTURED and is now in place globally.
My point, they control the moment until they do not…and what does this have to do with Gold ..everything….
The dollar is the key instrument of the FED…
Just a Friday morning insight….Who would have believed that any country could and can buy it own debt endlessly? The real point.. buy its own debt and continue to spend digits to fund a system with NO real proportional wealth to ever ever pay it back…so simple and so very complex…
Another vision we have lost in the mix of events….the globalization of the world and hence the NWO’s vision of a united North America ….there will be no borders…hum? Could this be what this all about?
That NWO….illusion ..hum…
Well enjoy your day…I am certain the sun rose and will set today…I am certain some will have a happy day and other will not…
just another moment ….i have always believed in silver more than gold …that too would require a long long comment…