Posted by ipso facto
@ 16:41 on September 10, 2014
The conclusion will be a repeat of what we have said every single time we report on the Eurasian alliance’s drift away from the petrodollar, as stated most recently two weeks ago:
We will merely say what we have said previously,
and it touches on what will be the most remarkable aspect of Obama’s
legacy, because while the hypocrite “progressive” president who even his
own people have accused of being a “brown-faced Clinton”
after selling out to Wall Street and totally wrecking US foreign policy
abroad, is already the worst president in a century of US history
according to public polls, the fitting epitaph will come when the
president’s policies put an end to dollar hegemony and end the reserve
currency status of the dollar once and for all, thereby starting the
rapid, and uncontrolled, collapse of the US empire. To wit:
retrospect it will be very fitting that the crowning legacy of Obama’s
disastrous reign, both domestically and certainly internationally, will
be to force the world’s key ascendent superpowers (we certainly don’t
envision broke, insolvent Europe among them) to drop the Petrodollar and
end the reserve status of the US currency.
And once China and Russia show that not only can it be
done but thanks to US prodding it has been done, expect other countries
to promptly follow the anti-SWIFT axis on their own…
Posted by Richard640
@ 15:47 on September 10, 2014
Posted by Buygold
@ 15:33 on September 10, 2014
Good catch my friend! That ment is a sneaky devil he is!
Posted by Samb
@ 15:04 on September 10, 2014
Look at the date on that chart! Can’t you see that the purpose of Ment’s post was to point out that Cycle theory is garbage?
Posted by Buygold
@ 14:45 on September 10, 2014
ment – be a good boy, you can’t on the one hand trash T/A and then on the other praise T/A cycles. Only Obama gets it both ways.
maddog – of course, it’s the American / Wall Street way ya know?
Posted by Maddog
@ 14:01 on September 10, 2014
The scum had me worried there for a while earlier tdy, it looked like they had lost control…but no.
Check list.
Oil dn = Yup
Pm Stox dn = Yup
Pm’s dn = Yup
Sm Up = Yup
Rates Dn = No…..uh uh…looks like they may have to start to spin higher rates on healthy economy etc.
Posted by Mr.Copper
@ 13:48 on September 10, 2014
Posted by ipso facto
@ 13:24 on September 10, 2014
WASHINGTON, DC–(Marketwired – Sep 10, 2014) – Silver is playing an important, if not critical role in the growing world of wearable technology.
At the new intersection where fashion and biometrics meet, silver provides the conduit in innovative athletic clothing that transmits sought-after biometric data, such as the wearer’s real time heartbeat, to a sensor that displays the data.
The fashionable Polo Tech Shirt, introduced by Ralph Lauren at the just-completed 2014 U.S. Open Tennis Championship in New York City, and worn in its public debut by the ball boys and girls, has bio-sensing silver fibers woven directly into the core fabric of the nylon shirt. The high conductivity of silver, intertwined with the fiber of the form-fitting shirt, is a key to the technology that tracks and transmits the wearer’s heart rate, stress level, distance and breathing data in real time and streams the biometric data directly to a smart phone or other device. The Polo Tech Shirt is a forerunner of a line of athletic shirts and tech-enhanced dress shirts that the company said will be available from Ralph Lauren next year.
Posted by commish
@ 13:16 on September 10, 2014
Posted by puptent
@ 13:02 on September 10, 2014
Posted by ment17
@ 12:14 on September 10, 2014
Posted by Mr.Copper
@ 11:55 on September 10, 2014
Agreed all supply and demand pricing is artificial. Nothing makes sense until you believe TPTB are controlling the values of the US Dollar and interest rates.
Posted by Mr.Copper
@ 11:47 on September 10, 2014
Or else oil and other mining and energy profits will evaporate. All those Dakota etc jobs will end.
Look at heating oil, dropping like a rock.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 11:17 on September 10, 2014
Gold demand to soar as festive season kicks off in India
Gold demand to soar as festive season kicks off in India
Posted by eeos
@ 11:01 on September 10, 2014
are phony HFT machines right now. Run things up and down constantly and separate people from their $. Stocks, options….house wins
Posted by Buygold
@ 10:59 on September 10, 2014
I dunno what that is or what phony computer trades they make all day. What I do know is that any early buying interest is usually absorbed in the first half hour of every day. Then the drip selling begins.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 10:57 on September 10, 2014
“lock down right now.”
Yep no doubt of that. Bastages!
Posted by eeos
@ 10:49 on September 10, 2014
I send bids with off numbers just so I can see my trades go by. It’s a simple excel chart to trade any amount of shares you wantand figure the taxes. I watch my screens every day. Stocks like SLW are in fully lock down right now.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 10:45 on September 10, 2014
I always try to buy and sell in round lots of 100 or divisable by 100. It makes record keeping much simpler. I bet others do this too.
Posted by eeos
@ 10:40 on September 10, 2014
I honestly think the computers sells in lots of 100’s…check this graphic from right now trading. I think the only legitimate trades in this screen capture shot are the shares for 250 and 158. The rest are fake computers trading each other. This shite happens all day long, and yet the SEC is sleeping on the job. I can see every trade (suposedly on Think or Swim). criminal

Posted by Buygold
@ 10:38 on September 10, 2014
I’m with you, I don’t believe a damn thing that comes out of the Rothschild owned Reuters or any other media outlet.
You can bet if Putin is pulling out (if he was actually there) then Ukraine is giving up something significant. The separatists were winning and gaining ground. No reason for them to stop.
Posted by Mr.Copper
@ 10:28 on September 10, 2014
“raising hopes for a peace drive now underway after five months of conflict in which more than 3,000 people have been killed.”
How do we know for sure 3,000 were killed? I don’t believe anything they say in the news. I caught them in way too many lies over the decades. No more credibility.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 10:06 on September 10, 2014
(Reuters) – Ukraine’s president said on Wednesday Russia had removed the bulk of its forces from his country, raising hopes for a peace drive now underway after five months of conflict in which more than 3,000 people have been killed.
Moscow denies sending troops into eastern Ukraine to support pro-Russian rebels battling Ukrainian forces, despite what Kiev and its Western backers say is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Moscow also denies arming the separatists.
President Petro Poroshenko told a televised cabinet meeting Ukraine would remain a sovereign, united country under the terms of a peace roadmap approved last Friday, but said parts of the east under rebel control would get special status.
“According to the latest information I have received from our intelligence, 70 percent of Russian troops have been moved back across the border,” he said. “This further strengthens our hope that the peace initiatives have good prospects.”
Posted by Buygold
@ 10:04 on September 10, 2014
SLV – 2 shares, RGLD – 1 share, EGO 2 shares, GLD – 1 share, GORO – 1 share, GOLD – 3 shares
Posted by Buygold
@ 9:59 on September 10, 2014
I dunno. The guy talks so much and says so little does anyone actually pay attention?
Everything he and our gov’t does is like a Hollywood movie. He speaks on the eve of 9/11. Gimme a break.
If they actually pull off another false flag tomorrow on the anniversary of 9/11, and people believe it, as a nation we are finished.
Not bad action in the pm sector this am. Too bad we had to start in a ten foot hole.