“aurum @ 22:21 on September 9, 2014
Maybe my daughter was playing me in saying all I want is the vinyl but it worked.
She knows what is important (or pretends to).”
Something like….”Now why in the world do you want a bunch of old records?”
My guess is it is not the record collection she is after. It is the memories she wants to collect up and hold unto. Memories of her father playing his music and instilling in her a love of music that she holds more dear than some vinyl relic. My youngest daughter wants some of my books. SeemsĀ some of her best memories is sitting on the porch andĀ discussing books we both had read. I don’t think it was any of the revelations we shared, discussed, as much as the actual time I spent with her. It was the one on one time I think she appreciated the most and fondly remembers. The books, were just an excuse, perhaps for both of us, to just spend time, and get to know each other.
Best, Farmboy