Some of my Posts are unconventional,I’m out of the Main Stream,I don’t fall in line with the Sheeple ….I admit all that..
But I am good at Connecting the DOTS long before some others even see a trend ….I’m reasonally good at Math and I like regression anaylsis thats the kind of stuff where all the DOTS look very Random …but if you know how ,you can decifer a trend out of it….
Thats about the best example I can think of as how my brain works…I look at BROAD random looking pictures and sometimes I see a end Game…Thats how I bought my first Silver at $3.50 a few months before Buffett did.My first Gold at 250.00 per oz.I bought A&P stock in 1974 thereabouts at 5.25 and later sold it at $54.00 .I told my Doctor about it and he dismissed it as nothing there its.dead.
What he did see what was obvious ,and what was obvious to all is not worth knowing.What he didn’t see was $250 million hidden in an over funded Pension plan which calculated out to $11.00 a share in CASH in a stock selling for 5.25 ..I’ll take that anyday when I’m bottom Fishing in Bankrupt waters.Another Bankrupt company .White Cross stores who back in 1960’s was in Bankruptcy but had a little division called Toys R US run by a Genius Charles Lazarus ,but anyhow the Creditors insisted the management step down and a battle Royal ensued and in the end it was the Creditors who one the Fight and put the Toy Store Manager in charge of the whole dam thing .He sold every not connected with the TOYS and basicly invented the BIG SUPERMARKET BOX store for Toys .Prior to that Toys were a small sideline to Dept Stores.That stock was .65 cents in January of that year .I remember selling it at $13.00 after it became profitable .Apparently others discovered the Turnaround and bought into it.I sold too soon and 6 months later it sold at $39.00 .He certainly had the right last Name ..It rose from the DEAD….
I connect the DOTS now and see a enormous change forming many things are in reversals even as the the current Administration’s propaganda is Pumped from the Press at LOUD as they can.All I can say is turn off the Sound,Go deaf to the talking Heads .Live in your own world for awhile ,you will be rewarded…Many here at this site know this ,but don’t have a long term view only history can give you …….Back in 1974 I was fortunate to know an old guy from Texas (93) ..He helped me see the Longer view….Boy was he a bottom FISHER extraordinary…! and I had a wonderful Broker WE worked together like a symphony .Unfortunately he died after the crash of 1987 killed him..I do miss him even to today..There are some GOOD people out there find them seek their views….Lots of patience .I held some stocks 10 years .