ottohuber76 • Jul 14, 2014 5:56 PM Flag
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Gartman, aka Old Sleazo, declares gold floor at 1300 = gold and silver CRASH GUARANTEED!
Old Sleazo, aka Gartman, who has served for ages as a whoore puppet for Goldman, that wall street firm that has been the inveterate hater of all things gold, silver, and USELESS, just issued yet another PHONY PUMP of these WORTHLESS golds and silvers, and every experienced market pro knows it. In declaring there is a “floor” in gold at 1300, that is your 100% GUARANTEE it will CRASH well below that price point into the close of the year.
As per the norm, Gartman is a font of DISINFO NONSENSE, with only the odd kernel of “truth” sprinkled amongst his incessant LIES.
TRUTH: he declared correctly that gold NO longer offers any “flight to safety” value
LIE: he claimed that the gold market is not rigged, when every smart experienced pro trader knows wall street has rigged the golds and silvers for decades, placing a PERMANENT CAP upon all gold and silver prices to ensure that the trillions in bond monies will never find cause to redirect into golds and silvers, overwhelm them, and push them into verticality…and THAT is why there is NO logic to stick a single dollar into anything gold, silver, and USELESS. Who in their right mind wants to invest a single dollar in a rigged market that serves as nothing more than a piggy bank of clueless amateur monies for wall street banks and funds to steal $$$$ merrily whenever they desire???
TRUTH: he stated there is NO event that can trigger a strong surge in the gold price—and that is because he fully recognizes that gold is a controlled and CAPPED market, whose every brief puny DEADCAT BOUNCE is contrived primarily by gold and silver SHORTS for purposes of WRITING even more WORTHLESS gold/silver CALL options
LIE: he claims to be “bullish” gold in “yen terms,” and that is PREPOSTEROUS…..the yen is in a BEAR market, the US Dollar remains in roaring BULL market–and that means the gold price rising in YEN terms can NOT be rising in US Dollar terms…and other than the #$%$, who wants gold priced in yen???Less