Many landowners hung on to the land. After it was re-surveyed, some have taken the initiative to build again. This is the ultimate off-grid home.
Many landowners hung on to the land. After it was re-surveyed, some have taken the initiative to build again. This is the ultimate off-grid home.
in hawaii, volcanos always have the right of way.
I bet there’s some smokin deals a couple hundred yards in front of that flow!
thanks for all the interpretations.
I have no idea why palladium remains strong. I buy a few ounces of phiz occasionally. I’ve never been under water on it yet.
ment17 – I was just razzing you about Willie, I know he’s not your favorite prognosticator
Interesting rant from Brian Kelly on CNBS this afternoon concerning Japan’s QE move. Worth watching the two minute video.
sure willie my hero lol
willie is just another in a long line of predictors… sure he may have some juice in market understanding
but willie is an interesting person for sure
as to my hero hardly
he has had a long string of positive predictions has a large group of inside information sources..Willie understands the Austrian economic model (most not not give a hoot they just follow the fiat paper game in their constant attempt to be ahead of the crowd..
the paper stock TA fellows chasing the next turn of fiat..
but buy more Willie has an interesting twist to the economic maelstrom we are now enjoying/
Where he talks about Isis. Not only are they killers but also they are cannibals who eat the hearts of the ones killed. Something the MSM won’t mention.
R640 – they’re up because Jim Willie (who is ment17’s hero) is going to be right and the reset will be announced Sunday night!
eeos – I had read the Putin address on Paul Craig Roberts site about a week ago. Clearly he is the only adult in the room. The US could use a good leader like him instead of the juveniles we have leading this country.
What I don’t like seeing is Russia’s central bank trying to prop the currency by raising rates and injecting liquidity. I think they’d get their currency to firm up if they floated rumors that they were about to back the ruble with gold or other hard assets. Look what the Fed and ECB have been able to accomplish by simply jawboning.
gdxj up in after hrs trade on 3.7 mill shares volume=HUH? NUGT up also on huge volume-both are not up a lot but the huge vol is amazing for a Friday night-!! GDX up a tad on over 2 mill shares!!
[Charts indicate gold is going to 800-1000 bucks–but this is interesting, neamoins]
The HUI/Gold ratio closed today at a new all time closing low of 0.133, which means never before in world history have gold mining stocks been as undervalued relative to the price of gold as they are today. The previous record closing low for the HUI/Gold ratio was 0.135 on November 17, 2000 – nearly 14 years ago.
After the HUI/Gold ratio finished November 17, 2000 at 0.135, it rallied 99% over the following six months to a high on May 21, 2001 of 0.268 – as a result of the HUI rising 113% and Gold rising 8%, with Gold Stocks making 14X larger gains than Gold.
After a six month 18% pullback to 0.221 on November 26, 2001, the HUI/Gold ratio rallied another 105% in six months to a high on June 3, 2002 of 0.452 – as a result of the HUI rising 146% and Gold rising 20%, with Gold Stocks making 7X larger gains than Gold.
All together, after the HUI/Gold ratio bottomed at 0.135 on November 17, 2000, it rose 235% to a high of 0.452 in just 18 months – as a result of the HUIrising a total of 311% and Gold rising a total of 23%, with Gold Stocks making 14X larger gains than Gold!
Putin ‘s Speech
They keep 10% because she is under 59.
Plus we will have to fill out the 1099 R form, or at least they send it to us.
She doesn’t even have a social security number anymore ??
So not sure if/how they will get that tax money from us
Maybe she shoulda BOT Gold in 1998 …….
Cheers and thanks for the advice
LOL, too funny…I only posted it to accommodate Ment17. My essays are written for astrology people (folks who understand the planetary chat).
In astrology, gold is ruled by the sign Leo. The planet Jupiter rules expansion, which presently is in the sign Leo.
The planet Saturn rules restriction.
A square means trouble.
Ergo, gold is getting beaten down because the planet Jupiter (expansion) in Leo (gold) is being squared (mucho problems/difficulties) by the planet Saturn (restriction).
They might automatically withhold it. All she probably has to do is call them and talk to them. She’ll need to keep any records for proof at tax time.
Checked the link but did not see copy of Putins speech.
We ain’t helpless, if we’re stacking Phyzz
Onward Pilgrims
Mrs Winedoc has a small IRA with Algers funds. She worked for Walt Disney figure skating for 4 yrs.
The fund had doubled since she “retired” and the markets are up, so we figured we would “repatriate” the cash.
So, in order to cash out she has to pay tax with a 1099 R form and Algers with holds 10% of the fund.
Does that sound right ?
Any advice
that are ready for the festivities to begin. Everyone have a safe and productive weekend and don’t look at this crap too long. Like ole Winedoc says, Keep stacking friends.
the narrative changes to cover any happenings… in QE gold should go up japan ramps up the /QE gold goes down ..
just make up the stuff as we go along ..
the gold is down in US because the market has told a lot of participants that gold is no longer a good idea .. it is just a pile of stuff to take the time away from other stuff ..