How come its the source of disease ridden unsanitary cradle of every disease effecting the world ?
Civilization ? really ? they hack each other with machetes .How come the missionaries and western Nations had to show them how to do everything ?
Its a cradle of stupidity ,run by dictators one step away from being cannibals .Yet the Socialist do gooders tell us its the cradle of civilization …Seems to me it never got out of cradle and advanced to stage two .If its the OLDEST civilization ,how come it never advanced ? It has MORE natural resources than any other continent ,It has a good climate ,abundant rain in most country s .It has Gold ,It has OIL,it has diamond mines,uranium,The only thing it lacks is civilization ! Now is spreads disease like AIDS ,Ebola …its the cradle of disease would be a more appropriate description.!
The American press lies about everything connected to Africa ! The colonies were the first signs of civilization appearing there ,now thats politically incorrect ,so they have to go back to what they had before ! The cradle of Poverty and disease .Not even the Genius of Dr Albert Schweitzer could civilize them and he had 4 PHD’s ,nor will Bill Gates millions brink good health to them .The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions…The cradle of civilization never got cleaned ,washed or sanitized ….basic stuff to be called a civilization.