You’re welcome about the 11 part cancer series. It is very encouraging and supportive to hear many of these doctors mention very similar protocols as well as very different ones to address the raging cancer pandemic we have in North America due primarily to our diet. I watched their first series in the spring and concluded that one of the biggest contributors to getting cancer is sugar. I procrastinated for probably a month before I bit the bullet and cut out as much sugar from my diet as I could. Not a voluntary grain crossed my lips from the time I made that decision. The hardest for me was cutting out apple pie and ice cream but my marriage survived and my wife developed some apple pie recipe’s using other natural sweeteners like organic sugarcane which was acceptable, but the ice cream is off the list. Now in this last series they further explain that NATURAL sugars are not harmful in moderation since cancer does not readily feed on them. Things like pure maple syrup and natural sugars from fruits are ok, but beware of any of the aspartame type artificial sweeteners which are actually poison. Anyway, my point was that in doing nothing different than cutting out the sugar as much as possible my body and digestive system made radical changes for the better. I’ve always had irritable bowel syndrome up until dropping the sugar from my diet. Now all that has disappeared and no more issues with daily BM’s which are now as regular as clockwork. (enough details lol).
Thanks for your MMS protocol. I was never able to progress to over 8-10 drops per day. Yeah, 5 drops might work if spaced over 24 hours. That’s a good thought to follow up with a glass of water too. Anyway, in a life and death situation we can all do things we couldn’t do otherwise, so I have saved my MMS for just such occasion and hope I never have to take it. (grin).
All The Best, Silverngold