Trader Dan today=
Friday, October 31, 2014
Gold Bears Nail Hedge Fund Sell Stops
We have been chronicling with some detail the regular weekly Commitment of Traders reports for some time in many of the markets that I choose to comment upon. In those comments, I have noted the positioning of some the LARGE speculative forces as being on the LONG SIDE of gold.
Here is a graphic of the condition ( or better – what WAS the condition ) of all those SPECULATIVE longs in the market.
Note the HUGE NUMBER: It currently stands at 241,792 if you include option positioning.
By the way, just for comparison’s sake, the total number of SPECULATIVE SHORTS in the gold market is a trifling 134,381. As you can see, speculators have continued to be stubbornly long in the gold market despite the deteriorating chart pattern and despite the deteriorating fundamentals for gold. By the latter, I am speaking primarily of the surging US Dollar and the fact that commodity prices in general are falling right along with the TIPS spread which is indicating the sentiment that inflation is of no concern at this moment.
Here is the point in all this… an examination of the chart shows that approximately 55,000 of those new long positions put on in gold near the $1200 are all completely underwater. That is where this selling is coming from. Once the TRIPLE BOTTOM at $1180 failed ( remember the old trading adage that, “TRIPLE BOTTOMS RARELY HOLD” ), the sell stops were activated and out they came.
Bears have been licking their chops to get to those for some time now. Today, they got them. With that level being the last line of defense in the sand for the gold bulls, speculative forces are going to be aggressive in going after gold from the short side now, just like they had begun doing in the silver market for some time. The carnage might just be getting started.
Interestingly enough, at the moment I am typing these comments, gold is down 2.96% compared to the HUI being down 5.42%. Guess what – that HUI-gold ratio that I have been charting, noting that it has reached levels last seen 14 years ago in the year 2000, is still falling lower. Gold is therefore either going to continue to move lower or the HUI Is going to have to move higher. Gold is overvalued, even after its fall today, compared to the mining universe.
Either that, or as I said yesterday, many mining companies are finished.