Macroman. Thanks for reposting that Jim Rickards video. He is selling his book but that does not mean he is not giving very important and valuable information in that presentation. I consider it a MUST WATCH so I’ll post it again and hope a few will watch it for the possible/probable current and future events he mentions. Forget his book selling pitch at the end but store away the valuable information he presents.
Auandag. Thanks for chiming in, and I do not doubt that Jim Rickards is a government insider and banker shill, however, I’ve heard many times that part of TPTB “moral code” is they must give advance notice of what they are going to do, such as showing Family Guy Twin Towers Episode long before it actually happened, and showing Robin Williams Suicide before he “committed suicide”. There have been WAY to many such incidents like that to call them just coincidences.