Hi guys/girls
It’s been a while since my last post, however check in every day. Just wonder when this gold manipulation and slaughter of PM shares will finally end. Hope it’s soon before I will end up living in a tent, well not a goldtentoasis as that appears a luxury to what I will be able to afford :).
On serious note I hope the bottom is close, as otherwise Chinese will be able to buyout Australian producers ,
cents on a dollar. Australian 500k oz gold producer ASX,NST currently $1.0, silver/gold producer ASX.PRU $0.28. No good selling at these levels, just add more at these bargain prices and hope they don’t bust. Have silver bullion but that’s disappointing as well. Should have bought ALIBABA by the looks of it-can’t win them all .
US market wobbly even according to I think it was ANZ bank analyst . with US market valuations at PE 28,with Au at approx 14.
I have noticed over a few days that $AU drops by as much as 1.5% during Australian trading time and recovers during US trading times.
Does that mean that US investor are divesting from Australian market, is it due to FACTA legislation, complicating the tax issue.I really don’t know but would appear to be the case .JMHO.
BTW just in case some have missed or are unaware of the FACTA legislation here is the link:
Good luck with your elections – the choices are …………………..
Not much.
Any ozzie’s still on the board – rise your hand (voice), probably totally disillusioned gold bugs or dead waiting for the gold bull market , or did not find you guys on new website.
Always,well mostly enjoy reading the posts.
Best wishes to all and will be back more regular.
ps Just read Obama joke , still ROFL