That’s interesting Maya about the pet allergic to people. There’s something dangerous you can get from dogs breathing in pet hair too that can kill you I heard. All in all think more people are allergic to them them vise Versa sad for that dog.
ORO Fleas no here or on dog and no carpets except throw rugs. Only bug around I considered was maybe a spider and looked for a bite mark. Know about boric acid also could be dangerous if they see it and try to eat it. Now days you can get eye wash with the boric acid already in it. Pits are known for allergies from food to pollen. I guess some species more prone than others so you may be dealing with more than one trigger. It also affects her ears with chronic ear infections and had to change doctors because they’d give her the same ear medicine that was used before that didn’t work and denied the possibility of becoming resistant plus the side effect was deafness and with constant use would be putting her at risk. She can be okay for awhile then it comes back. Less so in summer so guessing pollen one trigger since more in spring but now fall.