Try to imagine a group of Indian Chiefs, from 20 various American Indian tribes, getting together and making decisions without consulting with their tribal citizens. The Chiefs meanwhile are beholden or obligated to special interests. (middle men)
Then they decide, for the special interests…
The Algonquin Tribe will make ALL the arrows.
The Chippewa Tribe will make all the bows.
The Mohawk Tribe will produce all the arrow heads.
The Montauk Tribe will make all the moccasins.
It makes no sense, unless saving time or man hours results in more time off WITH pay. I worked with a guy in Grumman aircraft that had two other friends. The three of them were building their own small aircraft.
Each guy would make three of each part, and give the two extras to the other two guys. Its just as easy and time efficient for each guy to make three fuel tanks for example as it is to make one. They all saved time. Time is money.
The representatives from each country are having cash flow problems because of deflated tax payer incomes, because representatives were duped or bribed by the middle men special interests.
Trying to save time or man hours, is counter productive to creating jobs. Its VERY productive for special interest profits, until TSHTF.