More than one Calif city is doing that. Neighboring Orange Co. is already doing it. Reason ” population explosion, think birder twin plus many Foreign immigration.” They only show pics of beach towns but not the majority if the city which is a different picture all together. Think they are here too.
They treat it run it through very small filters UV it etc. issues already coming up it still shows traces of things like medicine. Lots if people drink bottled water rather than tap and or put filters on their sinks. Water will be a continuing issue esp with the current politics.
Somehow Obama not smart enough to see that a big part of poverty issues with blacks and Ganges revolve around over immigration. If he thinks he’s just getting the white conservatives he’s dead wrong. Illegal immigration has destroyed many black jobs now giving then the stigma they don’t want to work and they hire Mexicans because they want to work and jobs nobody else wants too. Well gee who did that to them? The Democrats and their want for votes.