Everybody gets a chance to loot the Public Treasury ….I don’t think its what the Founders had in mind ,but then again they never gave us a “Democracy”whats with these democrats ..they dont like to pay TAXES ?
They are always in Flavor of RAISING THEM .It seems to me that’s contradictory !
BTW I’ve heard it was Johnny Cochrane famed “OJ” lawyer that paid Sharptons FEE from losing the Twana Brawley lawsuit.
That scam against a white man who decided to sue and won.I read she working as a nurse down in Petersburg Va.,but refused to apologize to the white man after she and Rev Al ruined his marriage and career.All he wanted from her was an apology and since she refused he continued to garnish her pay until she does….Sharpton just gets to walk away from it all and the Press ignores it .