Don’t know if that is a good thing, or not. Bitcoin showing some strength again, now $371.
Commodity Trader J.B Slear of Fort Wealth Trading Co. has long been an advocate of squirrelling away the ‘nuts’ of Gold, Silver, and Cryptos. His blog often has an interesting take on the markets:
“…But then I remember I’ve been in cartoon land for about 3 years now in a place where reality doesn’t matter, only the painted charts that very few can profit in. Treasuries have been kept from falling as the support mechanism (aka Algo’s) dare not allow one iota of reality in otherwise the entire system would weaken into a pile with the central banks smothered in their own unprofitable and unwanted products. This rally surely couldn’t be the banks trying to support a president who seems to be inciting a revolution in his own backyard (could it?). Why I haven’t started drinking heavily in the morning is another question I have to ponder as well.”