Posted by Buygold
@ 13:03 on November 28, 2014
Yeah, nothing matters that’s ever bullish for pm’s. You’re right, the nightmare never ends and truthfully I see nothing that will bring an end to it. For sure the worst investment I’ve ever made.
Funny, the stink market loses its’ gains and pm’s go into further free fall on huge volume for a half day.
The Swiss initiative wasn’t leaked it never had a chance.
Posted by deer79
@ 12:45 on November 28, 2014
Couldn’t agree with you more. Sorry to be a pessimist, but I justo have to feel that no matter what the outcome is in the Swiss Gold Initiative, the Cartel will either cap the crap out of it, or run the stops and let it crater. A no win situation. Wish I had also gotten out a lot sooner. This nightmare will seemingly never end.
Posted by Buygold
@ 12:06 on November 28, 2014
Yeah, makes ya wonder doesn’t it? Maybe Putin is just part of the NWO clan and Russia is the fall guy.
Posted by Buygold
@ 12:01 on November 28, 2014
yeah bullshit indeed. I really wish most of us had gotten out back in 2011 instead of hanging in through all the misery.
Not sure I’m even going to turn on the computer Monday after the Swiss initiative fails. That’ll be another horror show.
Posted by Kentucky
@ 11:59 on November 28, 2014
Had dinner with a Missionary yesterday. He travels to Ukraine, Russia, Mongolia and China six times a year. He just came back from the Ukraine last week and says the battle field is being prepared. The drop in oil prices is devastating the people in the area as there are no jobs. The cities in the eastern part of Ukraine are ghost towns. People from the former soviet republics are turning in their passports and being issued Russian documents. They have accomplished this without firing a shot.
The economic war the west is waging on Putin is having a huge impact. He has yet to move a Chess piece against his foes. He could cut off energy to Europe. He could stand for delivery on the Comex. In any event he is being backed into a corner by the west. It will be interesting to see how it all works out.
Posted by Buygold
@ 11:46 on November 28, 2014
at least what few of them in the US participated will never come back. Can’t fight the Fed and their henchmen. Impossible to win against entities with unlimited funds.
The more I read, the more I think the pro gold websites are just a source of disinfo for the banks. GOFO, tight supplies, COT Reports, someone standing for delivery. All complete bullshit.
Posted by eeos
@ 10:46 on November 28, 2014
still can’t touch or have chosen not to manipulate palladium. It’s the untouchable metal. looks like we’ll be able to back up the truck for silver, give it away boyz. also when can you recall the last time any other time any commodity can be pushed down more than 5 percent in a day?….just normal market forces at work. if you did this to the general stock market John Q public would never come back ever again. but somehow it’s just another normal occurrence in the PM’s. swallow that BS again and again
Posted by Buygold
@ 9:19 on November 28, 2014
Greenspan is probably right gold will go up significantly just not sure if it will be in our lifetime, pretty sure it won’t be in his.
This oil price is going to be problematic, not only for Russia but for a lot of countries including our new shale boom here in the US.
Funny how everything is affected but the stock market. We are truly in the matrix.
Posted by Maddog
@ 8:56 on November 28, 2014
Notice Eric Holder was close to Mark Rich, before he was picked by Obummer !!!!!
The Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks’ Most Devious Scam Yet
Read more:
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Warning you will throw up reading this.
Posted by Maya
@ 8:29 on November 28, 2014
It’s Friday! The setting sun glints off the Portland Empire Builder,
turning a silver train to gold.
Posted by Maya
@ 8:28 on November 28, 2014
Thanks… that is exactly what I did at work yesterday!
Posted by eeos
@ 8:14 on November 28, 2014
On Google doesn’t make him real or alive. He’s still a figment of children’s imagination. So now I’m suppose to believe Chem trails exist because people put up what’s suppose to be “Chem trail equipment” on the internet.
Again, this is a myth until someone can prove otherwise. There’s far scarier things to be worried about in this world that are fact based, proven science. Fire retardants, preservatives, pollution, etc.
If making an issue likeChem trails be your life focus, more power to you. But I’ll just let the cat out of the bag right now….this stuff is made up bullshite.
Write a book to prove me wrong and I’ll burn it for heat
Posted by MadMike
@ 6:08 on November 28, 2014
Posted by goldielocks
@ 1:44 on November 28, 2014
Right, and what do they call the bond bubble then? The Hindenburg? I was reading a interview with Greenspan. I wonder what he knows? When he was asked about gold he said it’s a good buy at this point. If it will go up he said yes. When asked how much, he said significantly.
Posted by goldielocks
@ 1:32 on November 28, 2014
So Mac Dodge is real. I wondered about that. Like what he does in the winter for food storage and warmth. Only watched a couple of his shows. Watch the Alaska shows now and again though. They got much to do with short summers getting ready storing food and fuel for winter. They had a family with teens or young adults and a girl on there for awhile who bartered for everything. First they had a house think the gov burnt down not sure. They got some land built a house by bartering for everything but the neighbors who didn’t like the news cameras scared them out. Then they got a house boat and that sunk. After that didn’t see any more about them. They probably got a lot of heat cuz they had kids. The others with kids on the show were more stable but living there doesn’t look easy for them.