I pretty well understand the consequences of the things that led up to the shooting. No one can say for sure excepts for the actual witnesses. Yes witnesses can lie but I’m also they can be cohersed into changing their story. It would be too easy for them to threaten the person who was with him into saying what they want with threats if long sentences your being a accomplice to something. It happens in one form after another all the time. Then there’s the question of who’s on first. Did the cop pull the gun and the teen reacted or did the teen attack the cop first. If the teen did and that’s if he did try to grab his gun it would most likely be hard to taser him if her couldn’t do something to his arm reaching in the window like breaking or twisting it. When someone did that to me I held on the the ark and rolled the window up. I was on the passenger side meanwhile my friend took off while ” there was two of them” were running down the road yelling at me to let go of their arms which I did after we picked up enough speed I could release one holding with too arms the other my foot, that they couldn’t try it again and were glad to get get their arms back. I wasn’t there didn’t see all the evidence so can’t say for sure what happened. What aim sure of besides cops lie just as people off the street is that lots if parents don’t really know their kids these days. My question to parents today with so many moms out if the home. Do you really know your teen.
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