OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Ipso 16:21

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:13 on November 25, 2014  

Because someone suggest the earth is flat can judges make it flat by just claiming it is? Just sayin.


Posted by Buygold @ 17:08 on November 25, 2014  

Here’s a what if. What if Eisenhower really did sign a pact with the greys after Roswell? What if the aliens are now 100% in control of the US Gov’t. ?

What if the chemtrails are actually prepping the earth for alien life?

Just askin’


Nice day for pm shares. Now we need a big up in the metals and some good follow thru tomorrow.

bill holter

Posted by longtimer @ 16:22 on November 25, 2014  



Posted by ipso facto @ 16:21 on November 25, 2014  

MSM in the US talks about GW as an established fact like the earth being round. Any dissenters are viewed as madmen. Obviously this is high on the agenda of the NWO. One more manacle.

Nice candle on the HUI! Giddy Up! 🙂

islandgold @ 15:47

Posted by silverngold @ 16:12 on November 25, 2014  

Completely agree with your logical thinking, although IMO there are definitely more reasons for geo-engineering.  Too bad they are also destroying the ozone layer and much/many other forms of life on earth in the process, and all without our permission or consent!!.   Silverngold

re This ridiculous “Buy America” provision is a major reversal of the past, “Buy Canadian provision”

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:49 on November 25, 2014  

part of story:
“Protectionist sentiments were already on the rise in both countries as the recession deepened. But the “Buy American” provisions in the $787 billion stimulus package approved by Congress this spring have increased tensions as U.S. cities and states have barred Canadian businesses from bidding on projects funded with money from the bill.”
The USA has been buying (more than we sell) from all countries around the world since 1975. Now its the rest of the worlds turn to support themselves without taking from the USA anymore.


Posted by Maddog @ 15:48 on November 25, 2014  

Re Germany/coal.

How much longer do we have to listen to the Mellons, it truly amazes me that they haven’t been told to go away and grow up.

I will never vote for a party that subscribes to AGW etc.

Ps massive selling still in PM stox….but huge buying now as well……wow.

The Future Of Manufacturing

Posted by islandgold @ 15:47 on November 25, 2014  

The future of manufacturing (and the service industry as well) will be done via ROBOTICS and AI

I read one ‘futurist’ stated with robotic and AI technology about 1/3 of all jobs can/will be replaced over the next 20 years…

In mining… they are using driver less trucks.  In agriculture a guy invented an computerized lettuce thinner saving farmers… thousands in labor… also they have robotic strawberry picking machines..  gourmet burgers from scratch all mechanized…  This will only go parabolic from here…

I think the Swiss probably see this (therefor minimum income for all) because there will be no work for the masses…   And if you really want to tie this up…  perhaps one reason for “Geoengineering/chemtrails” is to slow population growth because “people” will not be needed!



This ridiculous “Buy America” provision is hampering supply of steel for ferry upgrades in

Posted by Equisetum @ 15:32 on November 25, 2014  

British Columbia, and I resent this American policy very much. There is no place for such parochialism on this continent.  Equiz.



@ Ororeef re Bring Back Manufacturing ! HEAR HEAR!

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:50 on November 25, 2014  

I think its actually happening. Started gradually. Note we are importing less oil. I see a lot of new American cars on the roads lately too.

In reality, anybody NOT involved or employed in providing food, fuel or metal etc to society is a net over head person. Sales and service people need a PRODUCT FIRST to sell or service.

It’s NOT the other way around. Production people don’t really NEED sales or service people. They can service and sell their own product if need be. But PROFITS from production of goods ALLOWS producers to hire or pay sales and service people. Including gov’t employees.

Americans were dumb to buy that old propaganda “we are going to be a service economy”. That “free trade” global communist sharing of US wealth stunt they pulled after 1975 was like $1,000,000 Obama Cares in one fell swoop.

And nobody complained.

Please sir could I have some more?

Posted by ipso facto @ 14:39 on November 25, 2014  

Germany begs Sweden for more coal

After 2011’s Fukushima disaster in Japan, Germany gave itself not much more than 10 years to close down all it nuclear power plants.

The country also has a roadmap to switch to renewable energy for 80% of its electricity needs by 2050. That may sound like a long time, but the clean energy installed base today only provides 23% of the European Nations power demand.

But the nuclear energy phase-out has meant that at the moment Germany is burning more coal now than it did 24 years ago.

And it’s desperate for more reports the FT, even begging the Swedes who are divesting from coal to do the opposite and expand their operations inside Germany:

Sigmar Gabriel, Germany’s vice-chancellor, warned Sweden’s new prime minister Stefan Löfven last month that there would be “serious consequences” for electricity supplies and jobs if Sweden’s state-owned utility Vattenfall ditched plans to expand two coal mines in the northeast of Germany.

Just to make matters even more complicated Vattenfall has also filed a lawsuit against Germany seeking €4.7bn in compensation over Berlin’s nuclear decision.

Germany begs Sweden for more coal

Bring Back Manufacturing !

Posted by Ororeef @ 14:32 on November 25, 2014  

The IDEA that the US will be a “SERVICE” economy is a complete failure ..a service economy is Government version of a “circle jerk”.

Starve the BEAST

Posted by Ororeef @ 14:25 on November 25, 2014  

Cut off Government Money unfund the troublemakers.

Department of Education-Energy-Environment -State Department..

All failures because they attract those that can’t manage anything,Sociopaths,Egotists..all those that cant manage their way out of a paper bag.The same mind set that puts people in charge because they failed at everything else they do !  Somehow we aim show them that its not everybody else s fault by putting them in charge so they can cause the whole Country to fail …Then they will say ..see the rest of you are  no better than I.! What insanity! Then we put Academics in charge at the Fed where everything is managed by Academics that have never managed anything,never had a job,never made a payroll ,never managed to get people to work together to accomplish a goal.Never made a profit in a competitive environment.

Without Coercion and absolute power of government behind them they fail !

UNFUND THEM. Take the money away.!   Then watch the Country recovers.Grow the Private Sector !

Shrink the Government Sector and everybody benefits..Government should be no more than 5 % of the economy ! Limit it by Law to 5 %plus Defence which should have its own limits.

If we elect a Stupid President un fund his stupid ideas.!  until a better one gets elected!


Not really a funny

Posted by ipso facto @ 14:25 on November 25, 2014  



Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:20 on November 25, 2014  

Its too late now anyway. Things are rotating out of necessity on their own.

Re Schwab, and rates? I think he’s wrong. Savers have ALWAYS been punished by gov’t/fed policy for decades anyway. Note, inflation and taxes on the old 5% interest rates came to not much gain anyway.

Thanks to decades of printing too much money, and GENEROUSLY paid gov’t employees, gov’t vendors and their employees, and labor unions in construction and road building etc etc? And Wall Street employees???

I think there are excessive numbers of people earning excessive salaries FAR bigger than needed, and constantly BANKING the excess funds in CDs, money market accounts, or bonds. If the money floods in, faster than being loaned out, you get low rates. Who needs all that money??

Millions of people die all the time and leave behind TONS and TONS of unspent easy money. Forget interest payments. In time TPTB will just have to just GIVE more people more money like they already do.

The TPTB have created millions and millions of artificial jobs, paying people for unneeded chores. The EPA, the Department of environmental conservation, the “check engine light” employees etc etc.

We have traffic lights around here that mail $80 tickets to your home if your front tire does not stop moving even one inch on a right turn of red. Or if you go thru a school zone at 20 mph.

Way too many useless unneeded worthless people getting paid to do things we don’t need that annoy people. Its far better with this fake manipulated communist system we have, to just give everyone enough money to live, rather than have them annoy us too. 🙂

I read about Switzerland considering giving people $32,000 each.

Government !

Posted by Ororeef @ 13:26 on November 25, 2014  




Grandma’s Neck

Posted by Ororeef @ 13:22 on November 25, 2014  

Charles Schwab To Yellen: Get Your Foot Off Grandma’s Neck!

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By Charles R. Schwab

For America’s 44 million senior citizens, plus tens of millions of others who are on the threshold of retirement, last month marked a watershed moment that is worth celebrating. At the end of October, the Federal Reserve announced the first step in returning to a more normal monetary policy. After nearly six years of near-zero interest rates and quantitative easing, the Fed is ending its bond-buying program and has signaled a plan to eventually begin raising the federal-funds rate, raising interest rates to more normal levels by 2017.

U.S. households lost billions in interest income during the Fed’s near-zero interest rate experiment. Because they are often reliant on income from savings, seniors were hit the hardest. Households headed by seniors 65-74 years old lost on average $1,900 in annual income over the past six years, according to a November 2013 McKinsey Global Institute report. For households headed by seniors 75 and older, the loss was $2,700 annually.

With a median income for senior households in the U.S. of roughly $25,000, these are significant losses. In total, according to my company’s calculations, approximately $58 billion in annual income has been lost by America’s seniors since 2008.

Retirees depend on income from their savings for basic living expenses. Without that income, many seniors have taken on greater risk to increase the potential yield on their savings, or simply spent down their nest eggs. After decades of playing by the rules, putting off spending and socking away money, seniors have taken it on the chin. This strikes a blow at the core American principles of self-reliance, individual responsibility and fairness.

Their lost income affects all Americans. Seniors make up 13% of the U.S. population and spend about $1.2 trillion annually—a big chunk of America’s $11.5 trillion consumer economy. In general, seniors spend more than their income, withdrawing each year from accumulated savings, and so their interest earnings get spent right back into the economy.

This makes for a potent multiplier effect. My company estimates that the $58 billion in annual interest income lost by seniors over the past six years would have boosted GDP by $115 billion a year during this period. In a $17 trillion economy that amounts to an additional 0.7% of GDP growth, by no means inconsequential—a 1% increase in GDP typically leads to an increase of more than a million jobs.

Normalized interest rates are also good for the economy broadly. Total short-term interest-bearing assets are today close to $11 trillion. Based on that, a 1% increase in interest rates will generate over $100 billion in increased income. And there is ample room to raise rates. Today the one-year return on a CD is just north of 1%. In a more normal environment, the annual return on a one-year CD has been about 6.15%. As interest rates begin to normalize, increased personal income will drive spending, economic growth and jobs.

Will more historically normal interest rates have negative impacts on others? The cost of homeownership may be higher and borrowing in general will be more expensive. But these costs are largely born by middle-class and higher-income families and they will see that impact lessened over time through inflation. But is it fair that seniors subsidize cheaper credit for others? Most people wouldn’t think so.

So celebration is in order. First, because the famine for savers and seniors over the past six years may soon be over. And second, because good news for savers is good news for the economy and job seekers. Savings are closely tied to investment and growth. The more savings people have, the more money there is to spend or invest, and the faster the economy grows.

Because it creates a direct shot of consumer income that in turn becomes consumer spending, the return of normal market-based interest rates will increase the velocity of money in ways that the policies of the past six years have not. That is a good reason to encourage the Fed to be even more aggressive and normalize monetary policy as quickly as possible. But today, let’s celebrate the Fed’s first steps in that direction and the monetary benefits they’ll have for seniors and savers.


Mr. Schwab is founder and chairman of the Charles Schwab Corp.

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Posted by Auandag @ 13:17 on November 25, 2014  

Dr. Shiv Chopra Worked for Health Canada for 35 years and is a world reknown expert on vaccines. In the beginning of his career he worked on the developement of vaccines and was a strong proponent of them. Now he calls them dangerous and useless. None of his grandchildren are vaccinated.


Shiv Chopra’s name has become synonymous with food safety. He and fellow scientists have waged many battles over 4 decades against a succession of Canadian federal ministries of health and helped to protect the food supply worldwide. With support of his union, Dr Chopra and his colleagues refused to approve various harmful drugs intended for meat and milk production. He endured disciplinary actions, spoke out publicly, testified at Senate committees, and won federal court cases against Health Canada. Due to Dr. Chopra’s work, Bovine Growth Hormone was barred in Canada in 1999 and in the EU. He has spoken out on BGH, dangerous antibiotics like Revalor-H Baytril, and the true causes of mad cow disease.




ipso facto @ 12:42

Posted by silverngold @ 12:51 on November 25, 2014  

If they are not here then naturally it cannot apply to them. In a broader sense my meaning is those who represent us that choose to remain silent, knowing that  by doing so they are responsible for the destruction that is in progress.   All the Best ipso.    Silverngold

Traitor Dan going to Pay Website

Posted by drb2 @ 12:51 on November 25, 2014  

This is just shocking news <sarc>.   As much as he wrote everyday, I wondered how he could possibly make a living trading.



Posted by ipso facto @ 12:42 on November 25, 2014  

Is that fair to call people names who may not even be here?

There’s lots of reasons someone might not want to respond.

There are none so cowardly as those who will not speak!!

Posted by silverngold @ 12:33 on November 25, 2014  

Not necessary to mention names!!  Silence speaks for itself!!             Silverngold


Posted by Ororeef @ 11:10 on November 25, 2014  

Ding Dong  !  There are none so deaf as those that will not hear !


Posted by Ororeef @ 11:03 on November 25, 2014  

is responsible for riots in Fergusion.It is they that create false expectations .They try to fix outcomes ,determine who winners and losers are instead of letting individuals determine outcomes by their own initiative.This leads to disappointment self loathing and anger when these expected outcomes are not achieved .Its impossible to assign outcomes where the individual has not made effort on his own behalf ,it breeds discontent and anger .The Government needs to stop this ,it benefits no one.Everyone should be told to do the best you can ! Only individuals can earn self respect it cannot be assigned to them.It is a false promise and leads to the kind of conduct we see where the only beneficiary is the rabble rousing politician and sensation seeking journalists.

The losers are the poor individuals being manipulated to serve the politicians and so called media journalists interests.


Posted by Kentucky @ 10:39 on November 25, 2014  

Watched the series on the science of measurement that can be watched on youtube.

“Oxford mathematician Marcus du Sautoy (The Story of Math, The Code) explains how humans have succeeded in reducing the chaos and complexity of the world to just seven fundamental units of measurement the building blocks of modern science.”

So without a standard of measurement you have chaos and complexity.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.