OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 13:58 on November 26, 2014  

Have you no opportunity ideas? Like trading with us all those Swedish pastries during the holidays? They do tend to wind the kids up though in this growing heath conscious society although holidays might be some exception.

Wanka …you who know….

Posted by NEMO @ 13:45 on November 26, 2014  

…..the Americans (mostly the northen part).

Are everybody, part from you, stuffing the big bird???

And what are we, the others,  supposed to do?? Talking swedish??



Commish 13:14

Posted by goldielocks @ 13:43 on November 26, 2014  

He has a bounty on him right now. Whether anyone would actually pay might be another story but his career as a police officer is over. He may probably have to go into a relocation program and change his name. Problem is because he was on TV anyone can recognize him. He will live many years looking over his shoulder.

Right Wing News

Posted by commish @ 13:14 on November 26, 2014  

7129ead5cbStories for Wednesday November 26th.

Two NY Times reporters posted Officer Darren Wilsons home address.

So as a favor those two reporters have had there  home addresses  posted.

Stupidity is at an all time high lately.





You don´t see dark bimbos very…….

Posted by NEMO @ 12:38 on November 26, 2014  

…….often, now adays…. do you ????

Sorry me lassies, could not restrain myself.


By the way…. what do one call a male bimbo???  Listened to a few, in my days.

I mean, good looking but “not many horses left in the stable”!!

Those guys that are often “unlucky”, when they try to think.

You  have to come up with something better than “moron”.



We’ve been hearing about the comex default-that never happens—for the past 20 yrs-they’s a lotta hope it’ll happen now

Posted by Richard640 @ 11:49 on November 26, 2014  

Don’t hold your breath…

There is a crisis pending in the silver and gold market that will one day overwhelm the banks’ best effort to keep the old monetary metals price down. When it strikes, expect the price gains in gold and silver to shock the markets and cause seismic upheavals of panic throughout Wall Street.

So when is this crisis suppose too happen? I wish I knew. It might happen this week, but I can’t say if it will for sure. Still the stars are aligned for something big to happen in the COMEX gold and silver December contracts, which the longs can begin to demand delivery of actual metal at the end of this week – metal that the shorts don’t have.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:49 on November 26, 2014  


Although I’ve never seen a white teacher discriminate on grades to blacks or non whites like blacks have I have seen whites including judges like in school or courts discriminate against other whites because they don’t want to look racist and turn on their own which is without principle including judges. So when some whites although these type usually have stonger principle wouldn’t do that like these other cowards say blacks even turn on their own kind, so do some whites.

USD down, Oil up

Posted by Buygold @ 11:27 on November 26, 2014  

and the entire pm sector can’t hold a bid. Unbelievable.


Posted by goldielocks @ 10:50 on November 26, 2014  

I was a teen in the Watts riots in San Fernando Valley. It was  pretty disolutioning to see one person killed after another like Martin and Bobby. There were some blacks at our school but don’t remember seeing them during that time and during sports they didn’t talk about it. Probably felt the same way being young. These days they are teaching in school that whites are the bad guy focusing on the negative of some and none if the positive if most who came here with little to nothing. I remember my daughter coming home upset one day aware if her fathers dad being half  Cherokee ancestry about what they did to the Indians. Perhaps there had to be change because I remember my little brother ask me one time why on TV the Indians are always the bad guy. I told him they wernt it’s just the movies and more. If it teaches anything in school that being different is part if life and that our constitution was built on respecting those differences. As far as their neighborhoods most didn’t have money and low paying jobs. Nor were many ever taught how to fix things. People think blacks are stupid. Their not all stupid. Many are quite bright, even smarter than you or I. The ones that get caught up in the race thing have a problem because. it blinds them from self improvident and knowledge. For instance they get a D instead of a A on a test they didn’t study for and then saying they got the D because the teachers racist not because they didn’t study for it. Although there are some teachers that project their views out on others people have a problem with doesn’t matter race. I’ve seen the other side too where black teachers try to lower grades of whites and been tested by using other blacks work ” as a test” that the teacher gave a A to black and ab to white. Something I never seen with white teachers. This hasn’t changed. My daughter in law is a straight A student in college and the only class she got a B in was talking a black history class with a black teacher who she said projected hate. I seen the other side only once and I dropped out of that class and although I don’t mention it figured it would work out itself he actually lost tenure which is difficult to do. But when we have a Gov who preaches hate and calls religion something that offends someone their militarizing police and hiring people who promote civil asset forefiture as part if their budjet who they themselves have to respect for people’s property not to mention boundaries with borders what kind if example are they setting with their so called rule of law. We have a lawless bulling gov who only breeds contempt.

France wants its gold back

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:43 on November 26, 2014  

The current frontrunner for France’s presidency, Marine Le Pen, has asked the central bank to urgently repatriate its gold reserves and immediately discontinue any gold sales programmes.

In a letter (in French) sent to the governor of the French Central Bank, Le Pen called for a complete audit of the country’s inventory — 2,400 plus tonnes of physical gold— to determine where exactly they are currently stored.

The leader of the far-right Front National party also demanded a gradual reallocation of a portion of foreign exchange reserves within the bank, recommending that the central bank buy gold at each significant decrease in spot pricing.

The move comes only days before the Swiss go to the polls to decide whether their central bank should hold 20% of its reserves in gold, and on the heels of the Dutch disclosing a secret repatriation of 122 tonnes of their sovereign gold reserves from New York back to Amsterdam.

more http://www.mining.com/france-wants-its-gold-back-12270/

Maybe shake things up

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:22 on November 26, 2014  

Carly Fiorina actively explores 2016 presidential run but faces GOP critics


@rno 22:08

Posted by treefrog @ 10:00 on November 26, 2014  

“anyone know a good anarchist party?”

contradiction in terms.  here’s the next best thing:


libertarian party.  take five minutes and read their platform (the above link).



Maya @ 8:20

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:55 on November 26, 2014  

That one’s a beaut! 🙂

Posted by treefrog @ 9:55 on November 26, 2014  


At least OJ’s karma caught up with him and he’s residing in prison.

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:43 on November 26, 2014  

I don’t believe in the death penalty for the only reason that innocent people are sometimes convicted and you can’t reverse death.

Morning MM – sorry to hear that. :)

Posted by Buygold @ 9:25 on November 26, 2014  

This doesn’t really bode well for someone standing for delivery.

*The silver open interest in December is disappearing. It fell 21,258 contracts to 32,871. The total open interest dropped 10,371 contracts to 164,522. The gold open interest fell 29,301 contracts to 439,447. Its December contract lost 55,860 contracts to 92,395. No surprises in either of them.

JNUG 10-1 reverse split on 12-23

Posted by Richard640 @ 9:13 on November 26, 2014  

Direxion will execute a 1-for-10 reverse split of the shares of the Direxion Daily Junior Gold Miners Bull 3X Shares (JNUG), effective at the opening of the markets on Tuesday, December 23, 2014. The firm will also execute 1-for-6 reverse splits of the shares of the Direxion Daily Russia Bull 3X Shares (RUSL), also effective at the opening of the markets on December 23, 2014.
A summary of the two ETFs undergoing reverse splits is as follows (please note the CUSIP changes, effectiveTuesday, December 23, 2014):

Morning BG. NSA is short staffed on account of Ferguson…

Posted by macroman3 @ 8:50 on November 26, 2014  

Hate these double shifts.

Morning Oasis – you too Scruffy

Posted by Buygold @ 8:42 on November 26, 2014  

Scruffy – Friday is first day to stand for delivery. Hard to see us getting over $1200 by then but who knows?

USD weaker for second day in a row. Bears watching.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 8:20 on November 26, 2014  

It may be a foggy early morning, but we got a gold train to move!
(Hard to believe this is not a Norman Rockwell painting!)


HSBC, Goverment Sucks and freinds in yet another rigging law suit.

Posted by Maddog @ 7:58 on November 26, 2014  

I wonder when someone will spot a pattern here.??????? or do they really think we are that stupid.

Aaah morning Mr Sucks and how long has it been since you were last in court for stealing, 1 or is it 2 weeks…..this is begining to look like a habit, or way of life…..just how old were you when you started stealing….

HSBC, Goldman Rigged Metals’ Prices for Years, Suit Says


Chart: Price inflation in double digits since 2008 economic collapse

Posted by eeos @ 6:19 on November 26, 2014  

NO inflation here! Who needs an education these days anyways? Over rated shite

For those who are unconcerned about inflation and instead worried about deflation then this chart compiled by Reuters using figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) should be quite interesting. It shows price inflation reaching double digits since the financial crisis in 2008. Notice how everything has gone up from housing to education.



Is COMEX Being Cornered?

Posted by eeos @ 6:07 on November 26, 2014  

It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I have had all of you as friends and associates during what has been a long war, not a good war, but a very long “financial war.”  As you know from these writings; this has been a war conducted by the Federal Reserve against the entire world, aided and abetted by major international banks via the manipulation of most every market on the planet.  The ethics and morals our country was originally built on …be darned!

The events mentioned herein relative to the suppression of gold and silver using dollar hegemony as the tool indicate a major international monetary crisis is dead ahead, this is obvious.  Power in the hands of the few have made massive gains for those at the top of the economic ladder while the average man has become a debt slave to the few.  There are of course the laws of Mother Nature and “unintended consequences”.  Those at the top who intend to “rule the world” are being challenged from the East in what I believe to be almost a winner take all “war.”  It did not have to be this way but the “West” has forced this.

I have never written “this is my most important writing ever!” but that day has now come.  So many events have all aligned at once which point to something very bad happening, very soon.  In fact, “very soon” could be as soon as the Monday following this Thanksgiving.  We saw many different events unfold over this past week which I believe are all connected in one way or another, I will try to connect them for you.  That said, please understand that we are and have been in a financial war for many years now.  This “war” is one between the East and West where the West’s paper financial system which has been in control for so many years is seeing its power wane.  It is this “wane” of the West versus the rise of the East that I believe is now, finally coming to head. read more

Coffee’s on

Posted by MadMike @ 5:11 on November 26, 2014  



Posted by silverngold @ 1:24 on November 26, 2014  


Published on Nov 25, 2014
by David Vose

I am Evacuating my Home in New Mexico as of this week. Radiation Levals now too extreem to live in New Mexico, There is tons of Nuclear Waste in the Ground in New Mexico that has now begun to leak into the region. There has been a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT in New Mexico and no one is being told. Washington State also has serious massive nuclear waste leaking into the Clombia River, Anyone down streem must also be aware and plan escape. Illinoise has also had plumes of radiation being released into the air. This is not a Joke, our world is coming undone.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.