Thats not what we have ,what we have is a Bastardized sembalance of it.We elect people not because they are good managers and fair administraters
we elect people that think its their turn at being on the take , get to do their own version of Racism, getting revenge, sharing the Loot , abusing the Constitution…yes they all get their turn and thats called Democracy ,is it no wonder the Founding Fathers avoided it.? Its more like MOB RULE ,a majority of the votes gives you a mandate for Mob Rule ! Is no wonder the Founders installed the “Bill of Rights” as a protection against democracy, AKA MOB RULE !
The administrations crude attempt to gain votes by not enforceing immigration is a sinister plan to undermine Representative Government and install direct democracy and mob rule !
Since the Bill of Rights acknowledges “Rights” that are GOD GIVEN and therefore not Government given that Governments have no right to take away what they have not given. A Majority of votes does not give the Rulers the right to take away God Given Rights.! This must be repeated over and over to the Stupid followers of this administration until they finally realize its in their INTEREST ! The next administration might reverse everything they did ,and then what ?
How come over 90 % of black voters voted for O ..thats the overwhealming evidence of Racism ..instead of doing what well meaning white voters did and passed laws to stop it, making it possible for a Black President to get elected. They get elected and install a version of anti white Racism ..How is that in their best interest ? Their tolarance and solicitations of council from Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson type race baiters does them no good except to show that are no better at Governing that the old Racists were !
They need to stop it or a backlash is going to take things to an order worse than Racism ! Take a look at the interior of the Prison systom where everybody MUST join a GANG for protection.! Not even a police run Prison system can stop it ! Mexico,Colombia reverted to GANG run Feiftoms .Is that what this administration wants ? They need to show they can rise above the pressures from the stupid ones .! They better start Managing and Administrating better and fairly because Gangs are the next step !