The Radical fed Reserve is the cause of economic depression ,yet they are in charge ! Why ?
Well meaning white folks ended Racism ,Yet the Racists are in charge (on the other side ! ) Why ?
Without Racist rabal rousing, guys like Al Sharpton would nt have an audience ..therefore HE has to keep the Racist hatred alive or he will be out of work .Why is he in charge of his own show ? Why is the President using HIM as an advisor ? democrats need to keep the Racist thing alive or they will all be out of work.Its the only thing that gives them an audience ! They can’t manage anything economically or create jobs ,so they create mischeff as a distraction ! Who needs them ? We need problem solvers ,not problem creaters !
Universitys are a hot bed of Radicals for the same reason ..Who put those Radicals in charge ..FIRE them ,withhold their money !
reduce College tuitions ,not raise them ! TAKE thier MONEY away ! TAKE thier MONEY away !
Take Obola’s money away ! thats how you stop the Radicalizing ! Congress …Take his money AWAY !
He’s all talk and so are his minions ,they can’t perform at any level ! Incompetant in Foreign affairs ,in domistic economics ,in job creation anywhere you reasonabilly assess their performance they fail ! There are ALL TALK..Talking HEADS ,empty Heads at that !
They can’t even run their own lives can they run the Country ! Who put them in Charge ? Fire then !
What insane logic says that putting people in charge that failed in their personal lives is going to make for GOOD Government adminsitration. ? Putting stupid people in charge just because they are at the bottom is NUTS. They are going make the country end up as losers just like their personal lives are ! Stupid is as Stupid does ….Stop hiring failures to show the way and hire successful people that have a sence of public responsibility !
“ASK NOT what your country can do for YOU ” means don’t hire those that want to loot the Public Treasury !
“Ask what you can do for your Country ” means hire those that took a pay CUT to help the Country !
Put people to work and they will stay out of trouble making ! And thats good advice for the Youth too,keep them busy ,make them earn their own money and require they manage their own money ! That experience will give them knowledge they will never get in College ! They need to learn never to borrow for consumption ,that money should be used to make money ,not to get into debt .Credit cards should be used to bridge gaps in income not for getting what you cant afford ! If youth can learn some of this they will become good administraters of Public funds. They won’t be Radical Public Politicians ,but Managers and efficent managers of the Public Treasury.
Abort the Radicals !