Generally people let out of jail before court are considered not a threat to society and may be innocent of charges but this guy was a threat and they let him out anyways. Suspected of killing his wife and not one but multiple sexual assault charges and violent persona that couldn’t even see his kids at least protected them after allegedly being involved in killing their mother. First they let him in that was perhaps not predicted but probably another agenda going on globally but then let him out of jail. Hopefully this will open they eyes of countries letting them in as well as deporting those who strive to implement their religious intolerance toward the country’s that let them in as well as breaking their laws. That’s much kinder than what they would do due to non Muslims who aren’t even making wars with their beliefs because of their intolerance to any religion than their own. Gotta question they claim to be devout Muslims but yet are seeking assilum from a Muslim country. Something wrong with that picture. Meanwhile hundreds of women captured as young as six being sold in the slave trade. Is that part of their religion too? Sick sick criminal violent type sex offenders and murders.
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