Enough is enough. I’d bet neither Rothschild nor Soros even practice Judaism.
Isn’t what you’re really saying is that “so-called Jews” can never be criticized? Regardless of whether they are evil human beings or not?
In the US and worse in Canada it is damn near a crime to criticize anything related to Israel or Jews. At minimum people are lambasted as being “anti-Semite”. The ADL believes the term “banker” is code for “Jew”.
Lump me in with Ipso and commish and put me on your ridiculous “we are victims, anti-Semitic” radar.
We have been friends for a long time, but if you get offended every time someone you perceive as “one of your own” is criticized. We are done. Hope it’s not the case but you are waaaay off base. Free speech will not be shouted down at Oasis like it is in the US main stream media.