I woke up decades ago when “THEIR” media said…
“We don’t want or need the smoke stack industries” and we don’t want the rust belt” And
“we” are going to be a service economy” and …..
“Foreign competition is good” and
“The US consumer is going to get higher quality cheaper products” and
“We are winning the Vietnam war, we just need more time”
“He” is not “he”. “He” is them. “They” are always unknown. Never come up for vote. Pull strings behind the scenes. For DECADES thru both democrats and republicans. No mater who gets elected….Nothing ever changes. Things get worse and worse.
The time to start complaining and resisting was 1975, by avoiding imported products. It was the ONLY way to short circuit the global agenda. “He” is a representative of “them”.
So by looking at that long post of fired military men, my conclusion is the 100 year old world gov’t, that supersedes our local gov’t, has some agenda that requires it.
If my reversal predictions of the past 1913 to 2008 is in tact, we may assume there will NEVER be another world war again, making the huge military (modern day pyramid or monument) redundant, not needed. Wars are fought differently lately, like 9/11 for example.
On top of that, our military was constantly used for other countries benefit, at US taxpayer costs. The US taxpayer can’t afford the things they used to because their chump change paychecks don’t go as far because of exporting jobs.
Hiring foreigners instead of hiring Americans to do simple jobs Americans can do right here. We have people right here that can make can openers screwdrivers, coffee mugs, hand tools, machinery etc etc. What are we stupid?
We all loved Ronald Reagan, but even “he” could not stop out sourcing and globalization. In fact, after “he” got elected, “he” allegedly started the “Reagan Defence Industry Build Up”.
I was THERE. I watched all the tax paying jobs go off shore and replaced with jobs paid by tax PAYERS to a bigger crowd of tax ABSORBERS. And for MORE insult during those days…..
To stimulate the Japanese and S. Korean economy, and FOOL the US economy, “He” (really they) created tax incentives in the 1980s for domestic businesses to buy foreign made machinery. 5 year write off deductions rather than 10 year write off.
I saw LOADS of brand new Japanese and Korean made machinery in every machine shop and sheet metal shop. I got sick listening to the owners that gleefully bought those machines, boasting how high quality they were and how happy they were.
I warned them, and most of them went bankrupt afterward.